Mid Winter 2019
- 6
Late Autumn 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 3

Salvia rosmarinus syn. Rosmarinus officinalis
Mid Winter 2019
Late Autumn 2018

My Rosmarinus is very beautiful now. #rosmarinusofficinalis #blooming

Pretty !!

Ready for a lamb roast
Early Autumn 2018

My Rosmarinus officinalis is not very beautiful in Autumn. #rosmarinus #rosmarinusofficinalis #garden #gardening #jardinagem #organic #autumn

I need your advice and tips on rosemary please. My transplanted cutting is still young. Dunno when to prune for better and healthier plant. Thanks @david71

@buzzygems I'm sorry I can not help. Here it is very easy to take care of it, here the plant picks up very easily and then I'm taking branches for food throughout the year.
The rosemary continues to bloom and grow. #rosemary-flowers #rosemary #blooming #flower
I just got a bunch of cuttings! I found out to late but my neighbors cut a pretty large rosemary bush cut it off to the ground so no roots. Do u think they’ll root in water that’s where I have em. How long did it take for you to get flowers!!! What a nice surprise they look real pretty 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕
@terrimclaughlin I usually cut small branches of rosemary and put them directly on the ground. They take root very easily if we provide water enough and in the following year it already has flowers. I never put them first in the water to gain root, directly on the ground they develop very well. It is a plant that we use here a lot for food.🙂
Thxs david does urs get partial shade or where is yours setting??🤗😊💕
@terrimclaughlin I put the rosemary in autumn or winter in places that will be totally exposed to the sun. ☀️
Thxs for that advice I put them all then dirt!!!!😊💕