Mandevilla x amabilis 'Alice du Pont'
Mandevilla 'Alice du Pont'
Mid Winter 2018
- 4
Mid Winter 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 1

Mandevilla x amabilis 'Alice du Pont'
Mid Winter 2018
Mid Winter 2018

Thought my mandevilla had died off but come to find it has plenty of green new growth all over the place. This thing is so wild, is there anything I can do to make it look more tamed? @cyndi @jennlamaye @PunkyKy #garden #smallgarden #closeup #mandevilla #nature #love #indoor #indoorgarden

Oh wow! I have no idea. I’d follow back the leaves to the branches their on, leave those in tact, but cut off the spindly stuff that doesn’t have new growth? Since it has new growth, you’re probably okay trimming it. But that’s my unprofessional two cents. 😉

You have a better guess than I do! My whole knowledge base is carnivorous plants so I'm basically clueless to regular flowers and plants haha! But that sounds reasonable so I'll do just that. Probably due for that anyways @jennlamaye thank you!

Lol...yeah... I'd just trim off the spindly vines and clean it up the parts with no new growth as @jennlamaye said. ☺

Thank you @PunkyKy
Mid Summer 2017

My grandma gave me this and I don't know what the plant is down in the front. It's pretty and had wonder flowers! #garden #smallgarden #balconygarden #balcony #deckgarden #deck #decking #closeup #mandevilla #nature #love
Early Autumn 2017

A spider has made a home out of my Mandeville 😍 thank God, it can eat all the aphids that may have killed this beautiful plant! Shortly after taking this picture the aphids disappeared!! #spider #spiders #garden #smallgarden #balconygarden #balcony #deckgarden #deck #decking #closeup #mandevilla #nature #love
Got her cleaned up and added more soil, hopefully she'll enjoy that! #garden #smallgarden #closeup #mandevilla #nature #love #indoor #indoorgarden
Very nice, Eva! I hope it has awesome blooms!!!
Thank you @jennlamaye and @kimguy I'm actually proud this poor neglected thing came back to life. Seems to be doing super good since the change in lights and added soil (not to mention a good watering haha)