Perilla frutescens
Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Perilla frutescens
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

Seed pods??? #unknown #unknownplant #unknownvariety #mystery #mysteryplant #plant #plantid #seed #seed-advice #seed-collecting #seedpod #seeds #seedcollecting #seedswap #sharingiscaring
Early Autumn 2017

Finally was able to get better photos! Also I seriously think each of these have SEVERAL seeds!!!! 😍😍😍😍 #unknown #unknownplant #unknownvariety #mystery #mysteryplant #plant #plantid #seed #seed-advice #seed-collecting #seedpod #seeds #seedcollecting #seedswap #sharingiscaring

It's a type of coleus....not sure the variety!

@cyndi I have plenty of seeds if you'd like some!

I'm in the process of gathering up everything to ship out to everyone. It may be a week or two before I send them out. I'll let everyone know when I send them out 😍😍😍
Early Autumn 2017

@Katalin is this the same one??? #unknown #unknownplant #unknownvariety

I'm not sure what you have there. I don't think that is Alumroot. #plantid

Hmm ok well thank you anyways!! ♥️

Look up huecheta americana almost has same leaves

@hannahchristine definitely gunna check it out! Thank you!

@demeterstouch im not sure but kinda looks like it

Nope! Flowers look different and the structure of the leaves are just a big off. Let me see if I have a better picture to post!

@demeterstouch maybe perilla plant or beefsteak plant i wish i knew good luck on identifying this plant sorry i wasnt any help😕😘

@hannahchristine I definitely appreciate any and all help! Even possible names helps!!!
Do many of these!! @PunkyKy are these seeds??? #unknown #unknownplant #unknownvariety #mystery #mysteryplant #plant #plantid #seed #seed-advice #seed-collecting #seedpod #seeds #seedcollecting #seedswap #sharingiscaring
I dnt know why it looks like perilla fructens @demeterstouch but there seeds
I'll check it out!! Thank you! @hannahchristine
@demeterstouch you welcome
Beefstalk! That's exactly it. Same flowers, same seeds, same leafs ! Thank you!!! @hannahchristine
@demeterstouch you welcome glad i could help i was raking my brain trying to figure it out for you im glad i did
It's actually used in making sushi in East Asia! Wow that's so need! It can be used in alot of cooking! Wow!!!!
I can see why I was mistaken....i.went and looked them up...they look exactly the same!
Some say they are one in the same...others say they are closely related...beefsteaks just have heartery stems.
ohhh!!! That's so great to know!!! @PunkyKy thank you haha! I'm so excited to harvest the seeds 😍😍😍
I bet you are! I love harvesting seeds!
This is my very first time. I definitely can tell imma love doing it haha