FL native Paw Paw with fruit 6-8 weeks prior to being ready to eat, can’t wait to try. I’ve read they chilled were one of Prez. Washington’s favs and also cultivated at #monticello #pawpaw #fruit #florida All GT’s who have tried before feel free to lmk your thoughts on taste
At Katie’s landings, saw at least ten with and without fruit. I’d be glad to show you If you want, looking for a reason to go back and explore more lol :) @treefrog44
FL native Paw Paw with fruit 6-8 weeks prior to being ready to eat, can’t wait to try. I’ve read they chilled were one of Prez. Washington’s favs and also cultivated at #monticello #pawpaw #fruit #florida All GT’s who have tried before feel free to lmk your thoughts on taste
Where did you find the paw paw? @dfresh Been trying to locate a native one here, no luck 😢
At Katie’s landings, saw at least ten with and without fruit. I’d be glad to show you If you want, looking for a reason to go back and explore more lol :) @treefrog44
Sounds like fun! @dfresh1433 Did a canoe trip from Kings landing a few years back... just need a break from this rain!
Funny how the leafs looks totally different from commercial versions right? Can't wait to taste my first one 😋