Fatsia japonica syn. Aralia japonica
Japanese Aralia
- Early Summer 2018
- 10
- 0
- Early Summer 2018
- 8
- 5
- Late Spring 2018
- 19
- 3
Fatsia japonica syn. Aralia japonica
- Early Summer 2018
- 10
- Early Summer 2018
- 8
Some foreboding discolouration to some of the #fatsia leaves. Any ideas? Not been in a month yet, the new foliage appears healthy. Worried. #disease #deficiency #help
Could it be the beginnings of sun scorch? I've not grown fatsia but I'm sure somebody might have more of an idea. I've had some scorch on the growing tips of ferns in dappled shade, just where they've caught the midday sun. @DickieLeysh
Thanks @gardengimp I did consider this, along with damage caused by watering the foliage and intense Sun. May consider thinning out damaged once the heatwave has subsided.
@DickieLeysh Yeah I don’t think it’ll mind losing a leaf or two. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere watering foliage in intense sun causing burn is a popular myth, and only happens if you’re using liquid fertiliser mixed into the water. Enjoy! ☀️ 😎 🍺 👍🏻
@gardengimp very likely, theres a lot of tall tales in gardening without much evidence.
- Late Spring 2018
- 19
Finally got round to putting some plants into the small raised bed. We have Fatty the Fatsia, Sammy the #sambucusnigrablacklace and Clem the #clematis-montana-rubens These have been underplanted with lupins, pulmonaria and annual honesty seedlings. Morning sun, afternoon shade. Screams out Acer, so I may put a small palmatum in there too.
Lovely Setup
Thanks all. @debrascott thats a lot of growth, they must be very happy. This Elder was taken as a cutting last year and seems to be doing alright.