Capsicum Annuum 'Cayenne'
Chilli Pepper 'Cayenne'
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Mid Spring 2016
- 6
Early Spring 2016
- 2
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 2

Capsicum Annuum 'Cayenne'
Early Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

A very exited txt from my daughter this morning... Her chilli plant has its 1st chilli! This is her 1st #gyo success after moving out from home! ... Proud dad!!!
Mid Spring 2016

Chillies are potted up! Cayenne, Hungarian Hot Wax, John's Extra Long & Rokita! The Naga's are being nursed at home!🌶🌶🌶🌶

Excellent. Where from you got naga chiilies? Would be excellent to grow some.

@nandini I got a Naga plant from a guy at Whitby who's there most weekends selling his Howling Goth chillies sauces. I saved some of the seeds to grow this year... Although they're not growing anywhere near as quickly as the other types! There are some specialist seed supplies on line for some of the more 'exotic' chilli plants!

Ordered 3 now thank you. I love naga chillies :-)

@nandini they need to be used carefully! I made some excellent chilli jam with them last year! It went remarkably well with cheese scones!

Sounds good and yes will do thank you :-)
Early Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

Chillies potted on in 2015.
#gyo Hopefully the 1st of many to come 🌶