Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg
Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg'
Mid Winter 2024
- 4
Early Winter 2023
- 1
Early Autumn 2023
- 2
Early Winter 2023
- 5
Mid Summer 2022
- 3
Early Summer 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2022
- 1
Mid Winter 2022
- 8
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Late Spring 2021
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 13
Early Spring 2021
- 5
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Late Winter 2021
- 4
Late Winter 2021
- 6
Mid Winter 2021
- 6
Mid Winter 2021
- 2
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2020
- 4
Mid Autumn 2020
- 5
Mid Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 1

Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg
Mid Winter 2024
Early Winter 2023

#echevaria #perle-von-nuernberg #succulentsunday
Early Autumn 2023
Early Winter 2023

So beautiful and one of my favorites for #flashbackfriday

Oh wow 💜

She is a beauty 😍


Gorgeous colour🤗
Mid Summer 2022

Some plants just want a hug 🤗 #plantlove @saguaro #emoji #emoji-hug

Reaching out for a hug 🤗 #emoji-match

Early Summer 2022

One of my favorite succulents and this one looks like it wants a hug. #happyplant
Early Spring 2022

My neighbor across from me gave me this excellent #echeveria today. #rescue
Mid Winter 2022

Love the color of this beautiful succulent #succulentsunday


You have a baby from this one @lesliecole49

What a stunner!! 😍


That's cool David, it's etiolated some, but likes it better under the grow light. They all do. I'll have to find a good place for them in the summer where they'll get better sun than where they were last summer. I have a full sun area away from the house but what about rain? I know they don't like to be too wet and I can't run outside all the time to move them accordingly. Really good quality/draining succulent soil? Maybe just keep them inside all year under the light? 🤯 lol

You can keep them inside. Mine was tall too and I cut it back, rooted again in water and planted it again

Splendid colour 💜
Late Spring 2021

She’s perdy 😍 the was the top of a big one so I chopped it off and replanted it #succulentsunday #succulents

So pretty, and just soooooo purple!
Late Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

She’s kind of lost some color but she’ll bounce back. I’m thinking I forgot the coffee grounds when I replanted her.

Still beautiful.

Coffee grounds? Do tell.
Mid Spring 2021

Mother and daughters

Family portrait!

@pooh4jvn yeah, I guess it is 😊

@lesliecole49 has a sisters too. The oldest one, my neighbor too

Mine has a sister! Shell be so thrilled to find that out, lol
Mid Spring 2021

I chopped her down about 3 weeks ago and rerooted her in water. Today she got her new pot and soil. She was way too tall and kept falling over. I did this with 2 other plants but they don’t have enough roots yet. You can’t touch them, you can see where I did, it’ll take a bit for that to go away

Wow! #greatcolor

@emch it use to be kind of plain until I started putting coffee grounds in my succulents soil. @kelsey92 was right. Look it up her teacher knew what she was talking about

I've been reading a lot about how good coffee grounds are for plants and I've starting saving my grounds and mixing in a little with the plant soil👍👍

It really works great @crabby58

Looks great. I’ve been using coffee grounds (and banana peels/egg shells) for all my plants for decades. Conflicting reports on the internet but it works for me. 👍

So cool, I use banana peels for my roses, bury them around the stems. I also soak the peels in a mason jar of rain water, makes great fertilizer for all the plants🌱 @docthrill @philstalder @emch

Oh wow, me too. I got a book from Jerry Baker years ago. He was from Missouri I think and had so many natural remedy’s and homemade potions you could make from everyday household item for the garden. Gotta look for that book again. @crabby58

Very pretty color. Did you doctor that?😂

I did @teresacowden6 getting pretty good at it these days too. I think coffee grounds really brings out her colors nicely

It really works @philstalder @crabby58 thanks fir the hint, it's okay ti aff wi the queen's heid and root in water

Thanks Phil, give us more natural remedies, I'd love to try them👍☺when you find the book @philstalder
Early Spring 2021

Mama and her #brightcolors

Gorgeous 😍

I wish mine looked that beautiful! Do you give it full sun?

Full sun @pooh4jvn the more the better

@sherrisgarden 6 hours of good sunlight a day. Beautiful color and don’t touch or get the rosette wet. Water seems to dim there color.
Early Spring 2021

Even here babies are bright colored. I thin I got lucky when I picked there mama. Most others don’t have the bright colors min do #brightcolors I sent @lesliecole49 one of these, how’s she doing Leslie ?

Looks to be doing fine David, even the little unknown piece is showing new growth. I'll post some pictures later. @docthrill
Late Winter 2021

#upclose and beautiful ☺️ love how the water beads up, pretty cool 😎 when you zoom in #treasuredplants



Thank you @ausgardentags
Late Winter 2021

I know I post this pretty lady a lot but look at her, she’s stunning #treasuredplants

Beautiful 🥰 color! 💜

Theresa @treefrog44 she’s incredibl, she’s had lots of babies one of them went to @lesliecole49 in Tennessee the others my daughter wants

She certainly is!

Yes, and she seems to be doing well so far!

Here’s what happens when in direct sunlight @bluefox23
Mid Winter 2021

Everyone should have one of these in there garden @lesliecole49 #succulentsunday

That's gorgeous! And it is....?

Oh, duh, never mind

Oh my, look at that colour 💜

And this is the last of the Echeveria I sent you, a baby of course @lesliecole49 it’s one of my favorites

And what a pretty little baby she is
Mid Winter 2021

She’s still beautiful, water stains and all ,

I love this Echevaria!
Late Autumn 2020

I love the way this succulent took on its sun stressed colors. Beautiful ! #succulentsunday #purple #rainbowweek
Late Autumn 2020

I never get over the amazing color of this #echeveria-perlevonnurnberg #bestof2020

Yeah, I hurry through watering too @philstalder water stains on this one too.

Oh ok so I’m not the only one. Still looks amazing though. 😂 I have a very small one of these. Going to be careful watering it.

Mine is looking a bit sad...not sure why...🤔😔
Mid Autumn 2020

One of my favorite Echeverias

Stunning colour 💜💙💖

Wow glad I got one now. 🤩

Cool name too @philstalder

It is. 👍
Mid Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

Late Summer 2020

Don’t have a lot of pink right now but it is #prettyinpink
#lovely #beautiful #succulentsunday I’ve used my old coffee grounds in my #succulents pays off with amazing #colorpop
Glorious colour 😍