Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg
Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg'
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Winter 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2017
- 2
Late Autumn 2017
- 5
Early Autumn 2017
- 8

Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg
Early Spring 2018
Late Winter 2018

I plucked most the leaves of the #terminalflower. Does this look good to you? I unwrapped the root ball and put it back in the soil. @Yollymac

I would cut the stem and plant it with rooting hormone and get rid of the rootball. Cut it just about 1cm under the remaining leaves and stick it in the soil. You have pest Moss there so it should root very fast. Mine usually does in under a week.
Late Winter 2018

My purple Perle looking classy these days 💜 #purpleperle
Mid Winter 2018

I’m taking care of my friend’s Perle. It’s recovering from a mealybug infestation. After 5 days of constant inspection and rubbing alcohol I believe it is mealy bug free. But I’m keeping it for a few weeks just to make sure and to let it thrive in a grow light before returning it to its windowsill. The black marks are burns from where the bites were and where the alcohol met them.

Looking good. #mealybugs #mealybug-advice #pestcontrol-mealybug #succulent #infestation

Great job!
Early Winter 2018

I repotted my Perle today because I noticed it had hardly grown in a while but had been under lights. When I took it out of its pot it was mostly a root ball! I repotted it in this cute pot I got for Christmas with my new soil. We’ll see how she grows!

Just wow! My wishlist grows daily!

Must have!!!
Early Winter 2017

I got this cool succulent soil for Christmas! We’ll see how it works out. It drains amazingly!

Late Autumn 2017

Perle is a showoff!


Question, are you sure this isn’t a purple pearl?

@Yollymac there’s no encyclopedia for a purple Perle and I wasn’t totally believing it was a separate species! But it definitely is way more purple than the babies I have growing from a regular Perle.

@ecoami. Will tag you in mine.
Early Autumn 2017

My mini Perle. I've had her for a month now.

Your plants are so healthy and vibrant and I love your names for them!❤️

Thank you @nancyanne! I have always enjoyed gardening but succulents have really sucked me in. They're so fun!

She's a beaut! 💜💗

I bought one doing not its best, what is the best soil and light for this

@greenwitch26 I️ use half perlite half cactus soil and they need full sun. I’ve moved mine to under a grow light.

@Yollymac look at how it looked when I bought it though! So interesting that it looks like a regular Perle without sun stress. I’d love to learn how the species was bred.

That IS interesting, for info my pp’s that I tagged you in are in all day shade with no change to colour. ☺️
Seven props from one leaf! #propagation #pvn #perlevonnurnberg Happy first day of spring!!
Wow from one leaf? They look beautiful 😊
Yep! Scroll through my other Perle pictures and you’ll see it from a few months ago :) @natii
Those are looking incredible! 💕
I just saw them, they're doing great 😊 Can I ask you how often do you water them when you propagate them? Keep it rather moist at the beginning and then less as they are growing?
@natii Yep! At this point I water about once a week or longer. They really responded the last time I watered them and grew a lot a few days after. Makes me want to water them more often but I know better than that!
That's good to know, thank you! 😊