Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'
Persian Shield
Late Spring 2023
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Mid Spring 2023
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Early Winter 2023
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Late Autumn 2022
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Late Summer 2022
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Late Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
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Late Spring 2022
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Late Spring 2022
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Early Spring 2022
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Late Winter 2022
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Late Winter 2022
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Mid Winter 2022
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Early Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Mid Summer 2021
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Mid Summer 2021
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Early Summer 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Late Spring 2021
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Mid Spring 2021
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Mid Spring 2021
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Mid Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Late Winter 2021
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Late Winter 2021
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Early Winter 2021
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Late Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
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Mid Autumn 2020
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Mid Autumn 2020
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Mid Autumn 2020
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Early Autumn 2020
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Early Autumn 2020
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Late Summer 2020
- 5
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 4
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 8

Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'
Late Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2023

Just starting to come back again, should be amazing by early summer
Late Autumn 2022

Yes it’s still going with freezing temperatures at night #foliagefriday
Late Summer 2022
Late Summer 2022

I think everyone should try #persianshield #beautiful #darkfoliage #purple #leafpaterns

Stunning, what fabulous colours! 😀

@leafylife only afternoon sun. Our temperatures were in the triple digits until 5 days ago and was cooking it so I put it in the shade. If you look back on my older picture. All leaves were a vibrant purple

Holy Moses lol where are you? I've been scrambling for 2 weeks to get all mine indoors because we're getting into the high 40s at night. Saw your previous pics, that's what mine is like big bold and beautiful 😍

@leafylife I live in California the Central Valley very hot until 4 days ago or so.
Early Summer 2022

#purple and she’s amazing and beautiful enough for #colorpop #persianshield #foliagefriday #beautiful

Love this 💜💜

This is gorgeous! Another plant I’ve never heard of or seen and now I want, want, want.

One of my favorite @k8dbug there common in the spring here in center California.
Early Summer 2022

This is the time of year #persian-shield really have a fast growth period. One of my favorites #foliagefriday #bestofjuly #beautiful
Late Spring 2022

Well two of the three plants are taking off with nice growth and color, the third will get there eventually #purple #shiny #beautiful

These are so pretty!
Late Spring 2022

Love beautiful #foliage
Early Spring 2022

One of my favorite #foliage #beautiful #nightshot
Late Winter 2022

Got this at my local grocery store today. So bright already at 4 inches tall. #persian-shield #foliagefriday #bestofmarch #beautiful #purple I’ll repot it tomorrow with some coffee grounds to make that purple pop.

Amazing 🤩

Beautiful David 👌😯💜

Such a vibrant colour. Love these. 💜💜
Late Winter 2022

Got this at my local grocery store today. So bright already at 4 inches tall. #persian-shield #foliagefriday #bestofmarch #beautiful #purple

I had one last year but aphids took over. Do you have that problem?

No problems at all for me @mst but mine was in a greenhouse
Mid Winter 2022


U still got this one

Such a beauty 💜💜

No @kelsey92 it’s a throw back Thursday. They were the first to sell

U need get a new one.

Thanks @hkyfvr

I have a cutting rooting @kelsey92

Always welcome 😍

I just love this stuff!! I saw some last fall in Massachusetts paired with a chartreuse coleus. It was outstanding! I’m hoping to find some at the nursery this spring. Yours was fabulous!!

Thank you @cheriej one of my favorites

Love love love!!💜💜
Early Autumn 2021

We have a few of these, love #persiansheild
Early Autumn 2021

Persian Shield is one of gods greatest creations #foliagefriday

Agree that is just wonderful.
Mid Summer 2021

Also a little more than a year old and have more pots of them from cuttings this year

Oh...ok..i see it better here. What lovely color💚💜

Tell me how you propagate it.

@Racheltheredhead in water under grow lights and they root fast and easy. I will do several cuttings for one pot for a nice full plant. This one is my original plant
Mid Summer 2021

Beautiful and one of my most favorite plants #bestofjuly
Early Summer 2021
Late Spring 2021

I can’t help but post this beautiful #foliage all the time. It’s filling out more every week. This is from last year and it even better this year
Late Spring 2021

So beautiful for #foliagefriday #persian-shield

@docthrill you always have stunning foliage 😍

Gorgeous colour 💜

Beautiful 🤩

Such vibrant colours 💜

Thanks 🙏 ladies, @juliesgarden @italydiva and @hkyfvr the purple is an amazing color for the garden. #foliageforcolor

Always welcome 💜💜

Such wonderful color addition to a garden!

Thanks @pooh4jvn but I’ve had them for over a year, the smaller ones are cuttings from the same plant. I rarely get new plants anymore. Too many already.

Late Spring 2021

One of my favorite plants, and she’s just getting started. This plant is a little more than a year old and filling out quite nicely after pruning. #foliagefriday

It looks like it's glowing. I need to give these a try someday👍

There awesome @cowdenkyle
Late Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

Foliage is my thing, and the colors of the Persian Shield is a perfect example of why.

Magnificent! #foliage


Awesome colors😯
Mid Spring 2021

Mama plant is finally putting her purple on. #leafking
Early Spring 2021

This cuttings is starting to take off
Early Spring 2021

Even the old faded leaves of the Persian Shield is still beautiful as they age to a silver color.
Early Spring 2021

I love the color of #persian-shield the leaf patterns are incredible
Early Spring 2021

Finally getting new leaves on my Persian Shield cuttings. Love the bright purple of new leaves

I got one of these yesterday. It is so vibrant!
Late Winter 2021

One of my #persian-shield cuttings decided it would give me a flower 😊

Well, hello there
Late Winter 2021

Now a year old now and have 7 clones of her. Instead of one Persian Shield in a pot I’m going to do a bunch in one big pot this year. On of my favorite foliage
Early Winter 2021

I truly think Persian Shield is one of the most beautiful foliage there is, not many posts today, I suspect everyone is watching the news. Trump sure knows how to make our country look bad #treasuredplants one of my favorites #tropical

Love that plant. Trump not so much.....wait, not at all. ☹️

@philstalder two weeks from now should be better. What a day today though. Agreed, Trump, not so much
Late Autumn 2020

The #persian-shield is a perfect foliage for #foliagefriday #bestofnovember #bestof2020

Mine looks like trash

Beautiful, so lush 🌿🌿🌿

Do a cutting @heatherdirtyhands and start all over. Mine is only 7 months old. There easy to clone with a cutting in water, and a nice south facing windows fo 3 weeks. Bada bing, bada bang, new plant
Late Autumn 2020

Pulled this #persian-shield out so I could raise the height of the #peace-lily to fill the space better. I knew the Persian Shield was tall but I didn’t know it was that tall.

Wow I thought they were like ground covers. That’s amazing. Now I have to get one. 👍 @docthrill

And cuttings take so well and quickly! @philstalder

Ooh that’s beautiful... pity you can’t send cuttings to the UK!🤪
Mid Autumn 2020

Now it’s time for a #persian-shield cloning

Gorgeous 😍

dibs! ☝🏻🥰

It’s for you Sarah @saguaro

How do you propagate it? I bought 4. I’d love to make more to share.

A cutting in water just what you see in the picture @Racheltheredhead wait for a good amount of roots then put it soil. You can also use rooting powder put it in soil and dome for a few weeks.
Mid Autumn 2020

You can definitely tell that our plants are very happy after there fall fertilizer dose. There colors are incredible. #foliagefriday

Wow, what fertilizer do you use. Amazing 🤩

Light doses of miracle grow @philstalder I always less than recommended measure to feed them. Let the lava rocks I put in the bottom of every pot do there think. Volcanic materials and soil is the best on the planet. I noticed right away, when I started using lava rock the plants were doing so much better. I either pot it in the bottom of pots or on top of the soil

Oh ok thanks. I put a few inches of pumice in the bottom of my new succulent bowls. I haven’t fertilized this year so thanks for the info. All your plant look amazing. 👍

Interesting, where do you get them?

I have a specialty nursery a few miles from my house. @lesliecole49 they specialize in hard to find plants

The lava rocks....?
Mid Autumn 2020

Some awesome #purple in #macro


Fantastic foliage 💜💚

David, you KNOW how much I love these!! Great pic!!
Early Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

#purple #persian-shield is amazing #foliage and it stands out in this part of the garden

Love, love, love! On my want list!

Very nice. What do you fertilize it with. @docthrill

Just miraclgrow @philstalder spring and fall. All the plants in the garden house do extremely well

Great, thanks. 👍

Oh it’s special 😍😍 love it
Late Summer 2020

This amazing #persian-shield is tucked in nicely among many other beauties. Great for #foliagefriday

It's amazing looking David!💘😍

Thank you @ShelleySnyder very much

Very welcome!💘😍

Love your Persian Shield. On my wish list. So striking💕😊🧡
Late Summer 2020

Pretty purple leaf patterns with lots of #texture
Late Summer 2020

My Persian Shield with som friends #foliagefriday

Love this one 👌

Looking good!💘😍

I love it! Great picture!
Mid Summer 2020

More color in our garden. Stunning purple for #colorpop

I adore this!!💘😍


That is stunning...n my wish list 😊
Early Spring 2020

Help me identify this plant my neighbor gave this pretty little thing today but he didn’t know what it was. Nor do I !

I'm no good with these things but it's similar to a Persian shield

#strobilanthesdyeriana #persian-shield agree with @jaynehynesburton

Thanks Shaz 😊 @shaz831

No idea. But it's a lovely colour

I love this! I can't keep them alive though! 💜💜💜

@KeriSamuel they have to kept in a very humid environment is the trick. My garden house is just that. It only had one vent and the watering of my food plants in the ground every morning or event provide the needed humidity.

A great terrarium plant if you don’t have a green house
God beat up by last winter and early spring rains, moth worms, grasshoppers, and snails. It was barely hanging on until spring when it began to show life again. This one is a little more than 2 years old and made many clones. I’m nursing her back gradually 😊
Well done...looks like it's recovering well👏👏👏
Thank you @belindah I’m pretty good with rescues.