Fleshing our the #balcony by adding this beautiful #hydrangea to the mix. Love watching the colors change. Anyone have any recommendations for plant food these guys like?
Check out hydrangea pics and comments from @mariomartins Mario posted a spectacular hydrangea pics the other day. I think ericaceous feed is what he said and topping up with ericaceous compost twice a year. And lots of water, especially as yours is a sunny balcony (presumably with winds which also has drying effects) ☺
and also on the #macrophylla to keep the blues and purples there is a little trick I use @DomGram they need lots of iron to keep the colours so I through in a few rusty nails and it looks like it does the job 😆😊 a 90 years old client told me that about 8 years ago and I been doing it since 😊 @ublaszko
Thanks for the tips on the food @ublaszko @mariomartins. Clever idea on the rusty nails. Now I just need to go sleuthing for some and will pop the iron into the mix.
Right now I’m being overly attentive. New project and all. Hopefully we stick to it and see the mini investment thrive @mariomartins. I think the challenge will be the elements considering we are on the top floor ans exposed. Weather is perfect now, but once it turns south we will be on Plant Watch.
I'm guessing your ivy planters will provide a windbreak. Maybe look for plants for coastal gardens as they tend to be windresistant and suitable for drying conditions. Low growing plants cope better with exposed sites so get more of those and than a few tough sturdy plants to add height. Anything evergreen generally needs a sheltered spot, except conifers which can cope with freezing winds.
Fleshing our the #balcony by adding this beautiful #hydrangea to the mix. Love watching the colors change. Anyone have any recommendations for plant food these guys like?
Check out hydrangea pics and comments from @mariomartins Mario posted a spectacular hydrangea pics the other day. I think ericaceous feed is what he said and topping up with ericaceous compost twice a year. And lots of water, especially as yours is a sunny balcony (presumably with winds which also has drying effects) ☺
and also on the #macrophylla to keep the blues and purples there is a little trick I use @DomGram they need lots of iron to keep the colours so I through in a few rusty nails and it looks like it does the job 😆😊 a 90 years old client told me that about 8 years ago and I been doing it since 😊 @ublaszko
#balcony or #roofgarden are the most difficult to maintain because of the whether and people tend to forget to water it @DomGram @ublaszko
Very clever 😂😂 @mariomartins Mine is a white lacecup one but will keep it in mind as I want to get a blue mophead hydrangea ☺
Thanks for the tips on the food @ublaszko @mariomartins. Clever idea on the rusty nails. Now I just need to go sleuthing for some and will pop the iron into the mix.
Right now I’m being overly attentive. New project and all. Hopefully we stick to it and see the mini investment thrive @mariomartins. I think the challenge will be the elements considering we are on the top floor ans exposed. Weather is perfect now, but once it turns south we will be on Plant Watch.
I'm guessing your ivy planters will provide a windbreak. Maybe look for plants for coastal gardens as they tend to be windresistant and suitable for drying conditions. Low growing plants cope better with exposed sites so get more of those and than a few tough sturdy plants to add height. Anything evergreen generally needs a sheltered spot, except conifers which can cope with freezing winds.