Early Autumn 2022
- 3
Early Autumn 2022
- 3
Mid Summer 2022
- 2
Early Winter 2022
- 2
Late Spring 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 17
Mid Autumn 2019
- 12

Early Autumn 2022
Early Autumn 2022

#rose #tropicanarose #tropicana 😍

So pretty and perfect!!❤️❤️❤️

@cheriej Thank you 😊 I’m now scared to leave it outside this winter. I think I will keep it inside and try to keep it alive 🙂
Mid Summer 2022

I didn’t kill all of my roses 😃 #rose #hybridtearose #tropicana 🥰

Perfection!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Early Winter 2022

It's been a tough day. I discovered they will cut my hours by 2 hours a day "because of covid " 😧 This is insane 😳 It might be time to move on. Oh yeah, I also found #spidermites on my #rosebush 🥺

☹️ sorry to hear about your job. Spider mites are a nuisance, for sure!
Late Spring 2021

My #firstrose from my #tropicanarose #rose #tropicana #rose-tropicana It's looking more red than orange, but I'll take it 😊

So pretty when they just start to open up😍

Early Spring 2021

There she is 😍🥳😊 #rose #rose-tropicana #tropicana #tropicanarose I couldn't be happier ☺🥀💕
Early Spring 2021

This is one of my favorite plants that I planted on a hill very hard to see and reach 😒 How bad would it be to dig it up and put it in a pot or plant it closer? Any ideas? Or is it best to let it go? #rose #tropicana 🥰

@treefrog44 I saw you have this rose. What do you think?

@Dragon_Warrior I would definitely dig it up or plant it closer! Put oatmeal in the hole when you transplant it to help it recover, give it a light fertilizer and plenty of water 💦 A good compost/ soil rich in nutrients will help it grow and give you lots of flowers 😉 and lots of sun 🌞 too!

@treefrog44 Thanks for your advice. I'm worried about damaging the roots, but I would like it in a pot with good soil and closer care. I just need a confidence boost lol. I've got this 😊

@treefrog44 I didn't know about oatmeal. That's awesome 💕

@Dragon_Warrior when you start digging stay back a good foot or so from the plant, you will have a better idea of the size of the root system. You can do it! 🥰

@Dragon_Warrior The oatmeal has nutrients that helps plants recover when you transplant them! An old gardeners trick 😉

@treefrog44 I love oatmeal 😋 I can see why they like it too 😁

Great advice, I'd dig it up too. I bury banana peels around my rose bushes. Gives them all kinds of nutrients😃 @Dragon_Warrior @treefrog44

Oatmeal! 🤯💓This old gardener never knew this. 😂@treefrog44 that is so interesting. Thanks for the info! 🤯💓

They say...ya learn something new every day😃👍👍 @lovestogarden. @Dragon_Warrior @treefrog44

@crabby58 Very True 😊 We all have so much to learn and it's great that we can learn from eachother 💕
Mid Autumn 2019

Can anyone identify this plant? It's like a rose with tomatoes 🤔 #plantid #plaint-id #notmygarden

Ok so now I feel kinda silly 🥴🤫🤪 #rosehip #rose

Excellent tea for colds and flu, and full of vitamin C

Very pretty colored bud! Lucky to be getting some seeds ^_^ If that’s a hybrid rose, then who knows what mysterious beauties those seeds might turn into! 🤩

@heelerpup It's outside of my local liquor store 😁 I took a rose hip, but I'm going back for more 😛 The rose was gorgeous 😍

ask for a cutting and root that baby!

That's a great idea! I'm getting to know them, so I can always ask 💕 @sushiwaitress

Liquor Rose! 😂🙈

@heelerpup Haha! I need another case of wine and a few cuttings, lol 🤣

Make it a case if Rosè! 🙈

Are the flowers orange?

@laketitlow Yes, they are #orange 🧡😍 So beautiful 💕
Yes, it’s another picture of the same rose 😍 but it’s just so beautiful. I can’t stop taking pictures of this #rose 🥰 #tropicanarose #tropicana 💕
Thank you 😊 @ausgardentags