Sansevieria cylindrica
Cylindrical Snake Plant
Early Summer 2020
- 5
Early Summer 2020
- 6
Mid Winter 2019
- 6
Mid Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2016
- 4

Sansevieria cylindrica
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

11Mar2020. #sanseveria-cylindrica Hello all, posting after a long time!

Hi Uma! Welcome back! Hope everything has been ok! 💘😍

Hey Stranger!! Good to see you! 🌞 I love the flowers on your #snakeplant!

Hi Shelley @ShelleySnyder, just was busy with work and my ailing mother in law. This season I couldn't start any vegetable seeds, so no kitchen garden for me. Feeling very sad about it!

Hi Kari @KariSamuel It's so good to be back. Hope to be a regular.

Sorry to hear this Uma! But nonetheless you'll have beautiful plants! Hope your mother-in-law is doing good!💘😍
Mid Winter 2019

16Feb19. Blooming for the first time! #sanseveria-cylindrica

Hi Uma!🙋 Glad you're back! How have you been?💘😍

Hi Shelley, was under the weather. I lost my mom in November. I inherited my love for plants from her. So as a tribute to her, have picked up my garden work.. @ShelleySnyder

I'm so sorry for your lost Uma, I'm sure she would be happy you are back in the garden and I'm sure she's right by your side 😊, take care my friend!💘😍

Sorry to hear about your mum. I inherited my mum's love of plants too and I always feel close to her in the garden 💗

Sorry to hear about your mom. Lost my mother years ago and miss her daily. Some of our best conversations were held while bent over picking weeds
Mid Winter 2018

18Feb18. #sansevieriacylindrica #sanseviera there is a flower shoot emerging..
Late Autumn 2016

Such a beautiful plant, very slow growing..

#plantid #sansevieria #houseplant #lowsunlight @succulentandfriends @brightcolours @nej @marlynroses @ankur1406 @gyllyngdunegardens

Wow sure looks like a snake

Makes a statement!
11Mar2020. #sansevieria-flower Flowers are very fragrant
Gorgeous 😍
How cool, never seen their flowers ! Always care for them in interiors so no sun
Beautiful 🤍🤍