My little Jade plant. This plant was much bigger but my toddler daughter decided to take the plant out of the pot and take off all the leaves. Such a sad sad day. This is what I could salvage. Excited to see new growth! Any advice out there on how super charge some growth?
Well, if you unplant the leaves, and just lay them on the soil instead, they are more likely to root and not rot. As for getting fast growth, sorry, it just takes time. They do grow pretty fast, so enjoy that little daughter of yours while you wait. 😍
You could try, but only when they get a little older, some diluted organic compost tea. Look into Earthworm Technologies steeping tea bags. Actually, diluted, you may be able to start watering them as they grow now because it's organic, won't hurt it. Google ET steep bags.
My little Jade plant. This plant was much bigger but my toddler daughter decided to take the plant out of the pot and take off all the leaves. Such a sad sad day. This is what I could salvage. Excited to see new growth! Any advice out there on how super charge some growth?
Well, if you unplant the leaves, and just lay them on the soil instead, they are more likely to root and not rot. As for getting fast growth, sorry, it just takes time. They do grow pretty fast, so enjoy that little daughter of yours while you wait. 😍
You could try, but only when they get a little older, some diluted organic compost tea. Look into Earthworm Technologies steeping tea bags. Actually, diluted, you may be able to start watering them as they grow now because it's organic, won't hurt it. Google ET steep bags.