Early Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018
Late Winter 2017

I really need to give them some TLC

Are these Echeveria or are they Sempervivums ?

Look more like #sempervivum to me but not an expert. #plantid

I'm not sure, I was guessing. I probably should have asked. 😋

I was told they are "hens and chicks" from the person I got them from. Is that right? #Plantid

I think Sempervivum 😊 @Elicia @Hawick1514 ⬆

Thank you so much! Good looking out, I appreciate it and I'll change it. 😁

Ugh I accidentally choose winter red but I don't actually know. I'll see if I can figure it out, anyone have an idea what type of #sempervivum ?

Hi Elicia a tip ....dont forget to use usernames so we get a notification it's not like fb .I saw the comments by chance . you'll get the hang of it .On someone elses post you dont need to just when replying to others on your own posts.You can change the encyclopedia link to unknown semp until you get an id but there are so many semps.I love them and have a few but don't know which one yours is but yours look amazing ! Good luck 😆

#plantid-succulent #plantID-sempervivum

@muzz67 Thank you so much! I still don't know how to just pay a message without a plant.

Aha ! Youve got it now ! You cant message without just doing what we are doing.You can tag a user on another post to show them a plant for example but theres no other way to talk except this way 😆😆😆
Someone has been chomping on my 'hen' 😶
A nice tidy little bite!🤔💘😍