Haworthia Fasciata Concolor
Concolor Zebra Plant
Mid Summer 2017
- 28
Mid Summer 2017
- 14
Mid Summer 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 17
Mid Summer 2017
- 41
Early Summer 2017
- 27
Early Summer 2017
- 21
Early Summer 2017
- 19

Haworthia Fasciata Concolor
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

Last week i planted my pinapple plant after keeping it in water to root for 3 weeks as you said to me in the previous pic but after planting it last week now i realized that the leaf in the center is yellow why ??? Is it dying ??? Help plz what should i do ? @mikethegardener @rugbymom @rit @teamgardentags @jeatacake @kimmy01 @Jeric0 @ambitiouswolf @mrsflowerpot @KariSamuel @ShelleySnyder @sparkes @Naomi126 @msjaxson @jennlamaye @lovestogarden @Muzz67 @brightcolours @columbiariver @BeanieBurrito

I am yet to try growing a pineapple top so can't really advise, sorry. Maybe the sudden transition to compost is not to its liking yet? 😕

@elie2012 sorry elie I've never started one like that🤔☹️

I have not started on in water before either. It might just be adjusting to the change from water to the pot. Just keep an eye on it.

Can't help either .I have not grown one but I would wait and watch 😆

Mine's still in water (barely been in garden recently). But did read recently that best success is from starting straight into soil and not in water.

So, I started one at the same time as you. Mine is all brown. It started out looking great and then that. I did change the place I had it, to a place with less light. Leave it or put it back into water. I have only had success with ones I put straight into the ground. Sorry. Try googling it if no one has the answer. ❤

Does yellow leafs means it is dying ? Or mayby because it is in direct to the sun ? Or is it because watering ? What do you say ? @lovestogarden @brightcolours can i save it or it is going to die ?

I am not sure. I say be prepared for it to die, but treat it like you will save it. Hopefully it will just be one leaf that dies.

Oh, now that I think of it, my plants outside in the sun are a bit yellowed. Maybe just sun is causing it. They are healthy and growing, bit yellowed.

Do i have to put it back in the house ??? @lovestogarden only the 3 leaf in the center are yellow but all the others are green

I googled about this problem i found that it needs fertilizing ? What is fertilizing ? And overwatering cause the problem thats what i found on google but i just watered it 2 times this week after i planted it in the pot
Mid Summer 2017

@ShelleySnyder does it look better now ???

@elie2012 better!! If you have no problems watering it I see no reason why you can't leave it in this pot- up to you tho!👌💘😍

Does this plant like sun???? And one more question with this kind of soil how can i know if it need water they dont look dry when they are dry @ShelleySnyder

@elie2012 upon close inspection you should be able to tell if even dark soil is getting dry, it won't be quite as dark looking.👍💘😍
Mid Summer 2017

What is the name of this plant and how much do i have to water it every how many days ???? Does it like water or not ? @mrsflowerpot @ShelleySnyder @ambitiouswolf @lovestogarden @columbiariver

@mikethegardener @rugbymom @rit @teamgardentags @jeatacake @kimmy01 @Jeric0 @ambitiouswolf @mrsflowerpot @KariSamuel @ShelleySnyder @sparkes @Naomi126 @msjaxson @jennlamaye @lovestogarden @Muzz67 @brightcolours @columbiariver @BeanieBurrito

If someone know the name of this plant i want to know please if it like water or not and how much do i have to water it once a week or every day or one each two weeks ???? @mikethegardener @rugbymom @rit @teamgardentags @jeatacake @kimmy01 @Jeric0 @ambitiouswolf @mrsflowerpot @KariSamuel @ShelleySnyder @sparkes @Naomi126 @msjaxson @jennlamaye @lovestogarden @Muzz67 @brightcolours @columbiariver @BeanieBurrito

@elie2012 I think @BeanieBurrito may be right! It looks as tho you have repotted it? It also looks as if it is not planted deep enough- so you need to get it potted at the same depth that it was before!💘😍

I would also guess #ficus, and quite possibly the #ginseng. Look it up on here under the encyclopedia, or use Google search for ficus. Someone else will know. But yours looks like the photos we have on this app! Including the crazy trunk!

@ShelleySnyder no i didnt repotted it. I got it as a gift today. Does it need more soil ???

@BeanieBurrito thank you for your help

@elie2012 unless the pic is decieving it looks like (to me) that just below the gnarly trunk that there is a round area that looks like from the original planting( on the right side) can you see it? If that's the case then it definitely needs to be redone💘😍

You are absolutely right @ShelleySnyder i will add some soil to it

Thank you a lot my gardener bible @ShelleySnyder

@elie2012 may I make a suggestion? Instead of adding some soil if I were you I would take it completely out of the pot and repot it, because you want to leave the soil down some from the edge of the pot so you can easily water it without your soil going overboard! I would make sure you leave an inch or two down!💘😍👍👍👍

You are right my gardener bible @ShelleySnyder but the problem is that for now i dont have a pot as good as this one i only have plastic pots and they are round not good looking as this one so for the moment i will add some soil untill i find and buy a good pot as this one
Mid Summer 2017

I have an avocado tree in a pot but while changing the pot to a bigger one i found too much earthworm in the soil any idea how to get rid of earthworms and earthworm eggs ???? There was too much of them in the soil while changing the pot !!!! @ambitiouswolf @mrsflowerpot @KariSamuel @ShelleySnyder @sparkes @lovestogarden @mikethegardener @Muzz67 @msjaxson @Naomi126 @brightcolours @BeanieBurrito @columbiariver @kimmy01 @jeatacake @jennlamaye @teamgardentags @rugbymom

#earthworms #help #earthworm #help

Where is my gardener bible ? @ShelleySnyder where is my queen ? @lovestogarden i need your help

@elie2012 as far as I know worms are good!! But I've never seen more than a couple in any of my pots!! All I can suggest is to tranfer most of your worms to garden area~worms make good dirt!!💘😍

Worms are good ???? They told me that worms eat the roots of the tree or thats not true ?????!!!! I cant transfer them they are in the center of the pot @ShelleySnyder

And there are also too much eggs i saw them with the worms while moving the tree to another pot @ShelleySnyder

@elie2012 as long as they are earth worms, any other kind I dont know!! If you are that concerned I would remove the plant from the pot and rinse the roots clean and use new dirt~toss the old dirt in yard waste. Sorry that's the best I got for ya!!💘😍

@elie2012 when you rinse, be sure they are (roots) completly clean of soil before planting in new soil!!👍💘😍

Roots completely clean of soil ????? That will damage the health of the tree and mayby it will die !!!!!



@elie2012 it should'nt if you immedietly add new clean soil and repot it. 👍
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify my new plant @lovestogarden @ShelleySnyder @brightcolours @KariSamuel @ambitiouswolf @rugbymom @jeatacake @mrsflowerpot @sparkes @msjaxson @jennlamaye @columbiariver @BeanieBurrito

@elie2012 this is a antherium💘😍 it's beautiful by the way!!!

Thank you @ShelleySnyder i got it today as a gift do you know how much i have to water it ??? Does it like sun ???

Its an antherium

@elie2012 mine takes normal watering (not too much or not too dry) I find the red ones seem to be able to take more sun than the rest(found out the hard way😟) but I would be careful of the hot afernoon sun.💘😍

It is a lovely gift. Very pretty. Isn't @ShelleySnyder a great helper? Your pineapple is looking quite nice too.

@elie2012 @lovestogarden absolutly great gift!!!💘😍

Thank you @ShelleySnyder @lovestogarden @sparkes i liked it btw the pineapple began to root

@lovestogarden you still remember about my pineapple ????

@lovestogarden i think @ShelleySnyder is my gardener bible 😃

@elie2012 😂😂😂😂 @lovestogarden 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Yes, I thought about you today when I was peeling leaves off one of own. I want to try it in water too. Yes, @ShelleySnyder is great and she doesn't get any dusty on my book shelf. 😉😁
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify if this plant is a cedar or a pine ???? @lovestogarden @brightcolours @KariSamuel @ambitiouswolf

@mrsflowerpot @jeatacake @jennlamaye @msjaxson

Oh, I am sorry, not my known area. Maybe... @columbiariver @ShelleySnyder

My queen didn't know ???😧

@elie2012 @lovestogarden this looks like a cedar to me , does it have soft needles? I think it will have to get bigger to know exactly which one.💘😍

I don't know if it have soft needles i will check that when i go home @ShelleySnyder

Now i am confused cedar or pine ??? @lovestogarden @ShelleySnyder @columbiariver @brightcolours @jennlamaye @ambitiouswolf @KariSamuel @mrsflowerpot @jeatacake @msjaxson @columbiariver

What is the difference between cedar and pine to know ???? @columbiariver

@elie2012 uhoh!! You may have to wait a while to see, pine and cedars have different cones so it may come down to that! Sorry if I'm wrong!😣😟

Sorry Elie, I can't say wether it's Cedar or pine. I'd probably go to the Cedar side of the fence if I had to make a choice though 👍🏻

In my country (lebanon) is famous with cedars and i got this plant from a friend and told me its a cedar but some of my friends told me that its not a cedar and that its a pine so i wanted to take your opinion in that

Early Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant

Plz twll me the name of my plant

This looks like a beautiful Peperomia dolabriformis (a.k.a. Prayer Pepper). Welcome to garden Tags!

What does this plant do ????

Is it for some medical use or flower or what ?

Thank you a lot you are the only person who knew to identify for me my plant but can you give information about this plant ?


Oh! And you have to comment @lovestogarden if you want her to see your comments in her notifications. That's why you probably got no response. And if you don't know what your plant is, use the #plantid hashtag to get help from other GTag members. :)

Elie, I only know that this plant is a Succulent. I have not looked into any uses for it. It does flower. The flower is simple and very unassuming, until you get a magnifying glass and see the utter beauty of very tiny flowers. It is just amazing. I hope this helps you. 😀

Elie, I only know that this plant is a Succulent. I have not looked into any uses for it. It does flower. The flower is simple and very unassuming, until you get a magnifying glass and see the utter beauty of very tiny flowers. It is just amazing. I hope this helps you. 😀

Jenn, thank you for letting me know about @elie2012 's questions. Very nice of you to help. @jennlamaye

Do you have apicture of the flower that it make ?????
What is the name of my new plant ???? And can you provide info about it if it like sun and water or not ?? @mikethegardener @rugbymom @rit @teamgardentags @jeatacake @kimmy01 @Jeric0 @ambitiouswolf @mrsflowerpot @KariSamuel @ShelleySnyder @sparkes @Naomi126 @msjaxson @jennlamaye @lovestogarden @Muzz67 @brightcolours @columbiariver @BeanieBurrito
Is it similar to aloevera ????? @BeanieBurrito does it like too much sun or it is for indoor ???
Is it a similar type of aloevera plant ?????? @BeanieBurrito great and quick reply thank you @BeanieBurrito
@ShelleySnyder @lovestogarden is zebra cactus similar to aloevera ??? And can be used like aloevera as a medicine for hair and for skin burn ????
Btw @lovestogarden my pinapple is aliiiiiiiiiive and had grow about 15cm after the last help that you suggested to me
@elie2012 that I don't know ! Maybe @lovestogarden knows!🤔
If you tap on the encyclopedia name at the top of your picture, it will list all the information you need to know for care, growing, planting, lighting and watering. Or Wikipedia is great for trustworthy information. 🤗
So glad to hear your pineapple is growing!!! (The pineapple I started like yours, died.😫) So, Elie, a #haworthia is not like an #aloe . It can not be used like an aloevera. They are very beautiful. @ShelleySnyder
@lovestogarden I knew you would know !!💘😍
@ShelleySnyder ❤
So an aloevera can be used as medicine for many things but a #haworthia zebra cactus is only for decoration @lovestogarden i am so sad about your pinapple 😞
This is a Haworthia Attenuata 😆