Haworthia Fasciata Concolor
Mid Winter 2021
Mid Summer 2018

Another succulent presentation - Haworthia fasciata var. concolor #haworthia #haworthia-fasciata #succulent #haworthiafasciatavarconcolor

very nice!

Thanks Cyndi 🙏🏼 - really building a nice collection up now. I am officially a succulent convert 😏 @cyndi

Thanks Carrie 😊 @lissoms
Took a few pics of some of the succulents before I put the covers over them yesterday. Some of the winter colours are beautiful 🤩 - think this particular Haworthia was renamed to a new genus Haworthiopsis some time ago. It’s grown so much recently, and I’m reluctant to separate them as they look great as a big cluster
#haworthia #haworthiaconcolor #haworthiafasciatavarconcolor #haworthiopsis #haworthiopsis-fasciata #haworthiopsisfasciata #haworthiopsisfasciataconcolor #succulent #succulentsunday
They do look great - reminds me of coral in a way 👌
Hope everything survived the night
Oh yes! I see what you mean Ange, it really does now that you mention it 😄 @anges
Thanks Sharon, so far so good, will be glad when the nights get a little warmer as I’ll be less nervous then! @sharonhayden