Capsicum Annuum 'Poblano'
Late Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

My poblano peppers plant is leaning over and I’m noticing flies around my peppers, my habaneros as well and holes in some of the leaves. I put out traps for fruit flies but no results. What could this be?
Turns out my plants all have white flies and aphids. I was so worried and originally thought they were fruit flies so I put out apple cider vinegar traps. My local garden store gave me a spray to get rid of them and save my plants and it’s working but they won’t yield now. Thinking of making some tough decisions and taking away the weaker ones to make room for new healthy plants. I was also told garlic spray would help plants. Anyone try it?
Oh no 😟 Try spray on Canola oil, dish soap and water 😃 Worked on my avocado plant 👌 Hope this helps 💚