Dahlia (Border Varieties)
Border Dahlia
Mid Autumn 2016
- 7
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 3
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 6

Dahlia (Border Varieties)
Mid Autumn 2016
Mid Autumn 2016

Another one of my Taid's dahlia. I think we lost this over last winter
Mid Autumn 2016

One of my grandfather's dahlias for which he was locally famous for.

What a beauty!

Mid Autumn 2016

My grandfathers dahlias drying out. They are massive!!! A lot have suffered since last year so I have had a good sort out by removing any that have gone bad
Mid Autumn 2016

One of my grandfather's yellow pompom dahlia. Unsure of variety. A lot of them were rotten so having a good clear out. This one is a gift for my dad. #upcycle use of pot for labels
Late Summer 2016

I initially thought we had a deficiency but I've now realised we have dahlia smut. Removing all affected foliage has destroyed the whole bed. I will give them a new home in another part of garden. Hopefully it will save the plants for next year. I hope I've done the right thing, can't think what else to do :-(

How disappointing. Better luck next year.

@Emma915Jones Hi Emma, not sure what part of the country you live in, but I left and store my dahlia tubers each year to ensure they get through the winter. I will shortly be doing a how-to video for garden tags to show how this is done. Also, I know you are asking another GT member how to propagate dahlias. I do this in the new year when the new shoots appear from the tuber. Again I will do a video for this next year. 😊😊

@mikethegardener Thank you Mike. I lift some and leave some. Both do well. This year I need to lift and move them to try and rescue them from smut :-( Will look out for your how to video thank you

@mikethegardener p.s I live in South Wales, on the coast.

@ukgardentags this is my #gardenhorror #dahliasmut
Lovely dahlia
Lovely 😍
Beautiful 👍❤️
Gorgeous ❤️
What a beauty!! #dahlia
Beautiful 😀🌿❤️❤️❤️