Scabiosa caucasica
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2019
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1

Scabiosa caucasica
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

I have been a busy working bee 🐝 of late, espresso being my ultimate friend. I recently learnt via someone I follow on Instagram of the male honeybee and their terrible fate. I learnt how after a passionate encounter with the female bee, their male parts explode and they fall to the ground dead! Talk about going out with a bang!!! 🎆


@Emma915Jones yep! The male bees have one use. Every bee that’s left in the hive is female! All the carers, soldiers, worker bees, queen (obviously), basically any honey bee you see will be female. And I love that they each have an individual@part to play but ultimately act as a single organism. It’s incredible!

Lovely photo!

Beautiful photo 😍
Mid Spring 2019

Scabious with a striking touch of morning light
Early Winter 2019

It appears our border is still going well in parts. Scabious is flowering non-stop. Perhaps with the colder spell likely in the next few weeks they will slowdown. In the meantime I’ll sit and admire them. #pollinatorplants #scabious #winterblooms

Wow! Mine disappeared months ago! Lovely photo!
Mid Autumn 2018

Autumn has arrived in our garden and this scabious is hanging on to every last flower for as long as it can. Here it is accompanied by grasses, heucheras and sedums #autumn #gardening #garden #plants #gardens #growyourown #scabious
Late Summer 2018

Another bee 🐝 but this time on an exquisite scabious (the name always reminds me of scabies - yuk) #pollinators

#beehappy 🐝
Late Spring 2018

I’m always very conscious of pollinating insects when choosing plants for the garden. This scabious never fails #beemagnet

Beautiful photo @Emma915Jones 😍💕

Thank you @jacaranda
Mid Spring 2017

Bee friendly plants are always top of my list #scabious

Great pic!

Think this is on my next to buy list 👌

Thank you @littleproverbs & @Diane76 They're great x

Good photo 📸👍👏👏👏👏
Mid Autumn 2016

A plant worth its weight in gold. A good doer! if you don’t have one, may I suggest you put it on your list? Easy to grow from seed so economical too :-)
Agree one of my favourites too. 😍🐝🐝
Beautiful. Would you like us to feature it in our email newsletter? 😀
My favourite too- just love them 💕