Agave Americana
Agave 'Americana'
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 2
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 8
Early Spring 2018
- 10
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 6

Agave Americana
Late Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

My agave #fromseed is growing. Perhaps it is because of the neighbors (turmeric and ginger), or the view.
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Summer 2020

It is quite windy today. The huge agave (my 50% off splurge from 2018) will be fine, but I wonder if I should secure some of those smaller pots.

Lovely garden.

@cyndi, I always find that it’s what I DON’T buy that I’ll end up regretting, so your approach is spot on 😜🤭😝

Thank you @columbiariver @lovestogarden @gjones, I am really pleased with it. Both the agave and the garden is maturing nicely, and I feel very grateful.
Mid Summer 2020

Not huge, @gjones, but it is thickening at the base. I just repotted it, and it has a good root system, so I’m hoping for a growth spurt this year.
Early Summer 2020

Is one of my agave babies preparing to flower??? Are they supposed to do that? The mother never did, and she is happy, huge and gorgeous, producing lots of babies - but no flowers.

Yes, doesn’t it, @gjones? I hope the mother plant doesn’t go and die on me afterwards - but then again, this isn’t the mother, so I really don’t know what to expect.
Early Spring 2020

Remember that large agave that I bought? Now it is huge! It keeps producing babies too, so soon I’ll be able to protect my entire family using those leathal, prickly plants to keep enemies and unwanted visitors away😜😝🤭 (the other agave, the one from seed, is still tiny)
Mid Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

My agave made #fromseed (the one and only I managed to produce from a whole packet of seeds) is also still with us. It is right next to my favorite (indoor) coffee spot, so I see it every day, and I didn't think it had grown at all - until I went through old GT pictures today. It won't ever be called a fast grower, but it is quietly doing its thing and perhaps next year will bring another leaf.

Thats great to hear! Must be very satisfying and rewarding?!

Yes it is @kamaki. I see from your profile you like pomegranade (among other things) - I have one of those from seed as well. Hope I manage to keep it alive through yet another winter.

👏👏👏 Well Done!

@gjones, I got the seeds in the ground in February 2018 (It's a good thing I have it documented here, otherwise I wouldn't have a clue), so it isn't really that old yet. But I'm still impatient.
Mid Autumn 2019

The largest of my potted-up agave babies is also a work-plant for the year. If I can’t be in my garden…
Mid Winter 2019

I love - and hate - how this agave is in no hurry to release and fold down each leaf (or what ever those octopus-like arms should be called). Whenever I am anxious and feel like everything is moving too fast for me, I try to imagine this little (well...) slow poke -- I'll get there when I get there.

Love these

Thanks @gjones, that splurge just keeps on making me very happy. Who said you can't buy happiness???

Me too @carolgs.
Late Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

Just to prove that I haven't killed it yet. It is in the orangery now, but I'll probably move it to the living room later in the year to keep it dry and (hopefully) happy.

Love those!! I have a few and I really like em!!😊💕

I love it @gjones, and I really hope I manage to keep it alive! Mold and rot can be a problem in the orangery if I'm not careful. It is a tricky balance sometimes, with ensuring that plants are sufficiently dried up before storage, while at the same time avoiding that they die from thirst.

Lucky you @terrimclaughlin - and lucky me, if mine continue to thrive and grow! I love them!
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

I'm a bit ashamed to admit what I've done here, because I had decided I wouldn't do something so extravagant. But it was on sale -50%. And it felt like I was rescuing it, because it was so in need for a new pot and some care (see next photo)

You did the right thing 👍

It's fabulous Mona! And I see babies!💘😍

It practically paid for itself! I mean, the babies I got for free count as deductions, right? @debs69 @columbiariver @ShelleySnyder

Absolutely right!!😂😂💘😍

Definitely 👍😂😂😂
Mid Summer 2018

Still alive!!! Still disappointingly tiny, but I can wait. #fromseed
Early Spring 2018

Look @gjones, we have a split! #fromseed #progress

Hey! Good for you. It will mean more when it is a giant heirloom :)

How many years until then @Opuntia? There is still plenty time for me to kill the thing, I'm afraid. I'll do my best to give it a long life🙄

🤔 hmm a hundred maybe?

Then it will definitely be an heirloom! To my grandchildren maybe? @Opuntia

If it doesn’t work out I can always post you an off-shoot

I would really love that, @Opuntia, is that possible? I guess I'm a bit blue-eyed, but what about shipping regulations across borders and stuff???

I think the main (valid) concern is passing bugs or disease, so if I washed the roots that would be ok. I will see what I can sort out :)
Early Spring 2018

Nothing much seems to be happening here, but at least my one and a half seedling is still alive! @gjones

I guess we'll have to be patient @gjones . Once spring gets going outside, that will probably be easier as there will be so much more to look at. For now I spend too much time trying to cheer them on.

Such a difference to here where agaves can be very weedy!

I know @brightcolours! And here I practically tiptoe around it to help it stay alive 😂😂😂

Which I could send you the hundreds of seeds I’ve binned!

Since we're imagining things that cannot be: With my track record, you should probably send actual plants instead of seeds🤣🤣🤣 I don't seem to do well with seeds @brightcolours, but I'll get it right eventually if I just keep practising. And I WILL have that huge agave one day, either if this one (by some miracle) survives, or I'll think of something else.

Mona would happily send small babies too!!! The seeds fall to the ground and root very readily.

What would I love to be able to grow easily? Deciduous trees with stunning autumnal foliage. Peonies. And other bulbs. Instead my garden is filled with easy care plants, particularly those with good foliage that provide year round interest.

Tree seedlings simply appear like magic around here. Almost invisible until the leaves unfold, and then suddenly it can feel like an invasion and I can totally see that could be considered a problem (for gardeners less crazy than I am). I wouldn't say I grow peonies easily, but I do grow them, and the sight of those red tips in springtime, there is nothing like it! I'd love to send you glorious fiery trees and the experience of red wonders pushing through soggy dirt! Happy Sunday! @brightcolours

A wonderful thought! 🍁🍃🍁 Here’s some colour from my garden. ☀️🌴🌺
Early Spring 2018

I wouldn't say I've had huge success with my agave seeds, but it is still early. Perhaps more will come. @gjones
Late Winter 2018

After @gjones gave me the idea (always good to have someone to blame, right?), I bought and sowed the seeds on February 14th, and now this happened! I guess it might take a while for it to grow into that huge, architectual thing that I'm really dreaming of, but at least it's a start!

Oh, and today is February 21😁 (because I won't remember that when I look at it later) 2018.

At least it's a start!!😂😂💘😍

I couldn't decide, so in addition to the americana, I also bought the octopus variety @gjones. I wanted the big ones 😁

I have never thought of growing #agave from seed. They have baby plants at the base if you can find any locally.

They are so extremely expensive around here, @Opuntia, I prefer to invest the time instead😃
Here is the agave I grew #fromseed . Still going, and quite strong, but definitely a long way away from a time when getting it through doorways will be a problem😜