Agave Americana
Mid Autumn 2018
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

Posted this "agave" for lovestogarden I planted it about 5 yrs. ago at that time it was about 8-10 inches high there not real fast growers and those needle tips can really hurt you!!!

And that is where they fool you! You think, oh, that is a slow grower it can be ignored... NOT TRUE. They suddenly decide to grow, and since you have been ignoring them, they shoot out all those pups and they have taken over. Yes, those spikes hurt and leave you maimed, but it is nothing to the rash, hives and burning you get everywhere you get touched by the sap! You have been warned! 🚩

Oh, I forgot, to tag anyone specifically, remember to put @ in front of it. That sends them the message too. 😊

@terrimclaughlin @lovestogarden OMG!! Why would anyone want this plant after you warned them!!😲😨😂🖒👌😍

Well, Shelley, if you have the room, they are a gorgeous plant. A real focal point in a garden. They tempt you with that slow growing.... 😉 @ShelleySnyder

@lovestogarden yeah they are gorgeous, but I'm glad I don't have the room! Getting to old to have to mess with plants like that! Lol!😁

Yep, Shelley, we have to pick our garden battles. ✌ @ShelleySnyder

Yeah the larger ones aren't quite as bad as they smaller ones but they are a pretty color and look hook with my other cactus. There sort of part of Texas I've seen some very big agaves down here especially around the old Spanish missions
It’s getting huge!! I stuck alittle piece of cactus in there and it’s doing pretty good😊💕
Pretty. These are very invasive if planted in the ground, so the pot is good. ❤️
@lovestogarden and don’t forget those darn needle point tips OMG. They have some very big ones down here. I’m guessing u know this type is the one they make tequila with lol. I was hoping I could sell a couple in the spring I’m going to take my plants to our community college plant sale I hope I sell em all give some away leave some for the school etc. of course keep my favorites 🤗🤗😊💕
@terrimclaughlin pretty agave
Yes, Terri, those points and saw-blade teeth are viscous! I found a great article about tequila/agave. Thought I would share it. ❤️