Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
- 1

Mid Winter 2020
Mid Winter 2020

Another bunch giving one last show before starting a new life as compost material at the bottom of my new greenhouse bed. No glazing as of yet, but I have high hopes for this week.

Why are you composting them and not planting them?

@lesliecole49, these are prunings from one of my very many forsythia shrubs (they take easily from cuttings). Normally I wait until after flowering before pruning, but now that I'm in urgent need of compost material to get my greenhouse bed going, all my bushes and trees are in danger of drastic haircuts😱

And I asked that same question on the other forsythia picture you posted!
Early Spring 2019

This just makes me ridiculously happy on a rainy day!

It would me too!😊💘😍

Isn’t it just the most uplifting colour, Mona? 💛 @emve

Yes it is @jacaranda, I absolutely love it!

For some reason (probably has to do with where it gets more sunlight) all the flowering branches are facing away from the house, so I've never really appreciated just how beautiful it is @ShelleySnyder @jacaranda

They really are very beautiful!💛💛💘😍
Early Spring 2019

All the flowering branches hang over the fence, so I don't get to see them at all. Now I do 😁😁😁
My view from the yoga mat this morning. I know it is very un-yogic to let myself get distracted, but there you go. Through the doors at the back you can see the orangery with grow light over my lemon tree.
Will you plant these if they root?
I don't think I'll keep these long enough for any rooting to occur, @lesliecole49. They will probably head straight for the grinder once the flowers are over. It's a tough life🤣😜 But when I have taken cuttings of this shrub in the past, I haven't bothered with putting them in water, I've just plunked them directly in soil. I made my very own forsythia hedge for free that way, and now it lights up my driveway every spring.
@columbiariver, I just noticed my hooded 13 year old is there as well - he really blends in🤣🤣🤣