Mahonia x media 'Charity'
Oregon Grape 'Charity'
Late Winter 2021
- 5
Early Autumn 2020
- 2
Early Winter 2020
- 2
Early Winter 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 10
Late Autumn 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 1

Mahonia x media 'Charity'
Late Winter 2021
Early Autumn 2020

I am counting 5 bunches of potential flowers this year!

Early Winter 2020

Still going strong! #januaryblooms

Looks great!
Early Winter 2019

Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas holiday.
Early Autumn 2019

This looks like it is preparing to flower. As far as I know, this is its first time, so perhaps it is confused? Or is this, in fact, the right time of year if you are a mahonia?

My mahonia was about to flower in November last year, I guess due to the warm weather last year. It didn’t since it became colder just before the flowers turned out. That has never happened before and in the end it flowered in May as usual.

@ulrikagustafsson, did the November almost-flowers die and then it produced new ones in May? Everything looks so good now, especially when we get a few moments of sun as well, it is almost hard to imagine how bare and gray everything will become once winter eventually hits.

@gjones, no more than the regular busy-ness of normal life, but I've been struggling a bit with the device-driven mentality most of us get caught up in so easily. I don't like what it does to the quality of social interactions in my family and elsewhere, and I feel conflicted about what part I want to play in the whole thing. Haven't found The Answer yet, but as with so many things, I guess balance and a mindful approach can bring out the best of both worlds.

Yes, they died, and I didn’t think they could produce new flowers so fast but they did. I’m beginning to dread the months ahead, today has been windy and it’s not that hard to imagine the grey we’re heading into. For me it gets worse by every year coping with the grey and cold months.

Hi Mona, great to see your posts again. I agree with your comments about devices, but used sensibly they can be a wonderful tool, especially GTags. I love the way it allows us to interact with likeminded people all over the world, providing friendships that would otherwise not be possible. My mahonia is also preparing to flower so I think you can safely say that it’s the right time for them! 😀

@ulrikagustafsson, winters here in my area are relatively mild compared to many other places, but I still complain😜 I too find it harder and harder, and I really miss the green - which is probably why I feel such joy in hunting for the first signs of spring.

Hi @jacaranda, it is great to be back! I guess I needed the time-out, but I've missed the GT community. So great to connect with people who (probably?) don't think I am crazy for enjoying gardening the way I do😜

All gardeners are a little crazy, so you’re not alone! Keep at it and have a lovey day 😍

Yes, it’s the same here, relatively mild. I could not possibly live in the north where the lakes are frozen until the beginning of June. There’s nothing like the first signs of spring! 🌿🙂
Late Autumn 2018

Great photo 📷

Thanks @anges, I thought it looked very christmassy all of a sudden - time to start decorating big time!!!

I agree! Great photo!💘😍
Late Summer 2018
Early Spring 2017

Had to give my rescued Mahonia a drastic haircut. Hope it will forgive me and thrive in its new home!
Do I cut these spent flowers, or do they simply fall of when they are ready?
@columbiariver Laura, don't you have some of this?
If you leave the flowers on, I think they will produce blue purple berries if any of them were pollinated and fertilised.
I’ve already had berries on most of them @richard.spicer.7906. I think the super cold winter discouraged the rest.
@columbiariver I think I will leave them as is, at least for now. Perhaps the wind will make them fall off. If I get tired of looking at them, I’ll bring out the scissors ✂️