Prunus armeniaca
Mid Spring 2022
Late Spring 2019

What do you think? This definitely looks like the beginning of something, doesn't it? And there is another one just like it, so if they both make it, I guess I can share (or not 😜) #fromseed - stone from a store-bought apricot. I never thought I'd get flowers, and then I thought for sure I needed another tree to get fruit. I do have another tree, also from self-eaten fruit, but that is a few years younger, so no flowers there yet.

How exciting. Great work!!!! Apricots forever 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

With the autumn-like weather we've been having through most of May, I realize there is a real chance of it not ripening or simply dropping off, but I just can't help being excited - I mean, look what my home-made tree managed to do! Super cool!!! @terrimclaughlin
Early Spring 2019

This, I believe, is apricot. (Unless I have gotten things mixed up - which is entirely possible) From seed/stone about 10 years ago. And now there are flowers!!!

I never thought I'd get fruit, that is such a bonus if that happens. Now I just hope we can avoid a late frost this year, fingers crossed! @cyndi

#apricot #fromseed #firstflower

I was happy just having such a lovely tree, @gjones, this just feels - wow! I can't wait to get out and look at it again!!!
It has happened again. Only one single flower this time, but still. I might get an apricot. On my home grown tree from seed/stone/pit. Yay!