In case some of you worried about that poor limetree from a few weeks back: Job done. I'm happy, and hopefully the tree will forgive all the severed roots.
Good job 👍🏼 I moved a Cercis earlier this year not quite that size but delighted to see it's survived the move and has leaves forming. Also dug up a very old climbing rose at the weekend and transplanted it after severing about three very deep roots and in all honesty expected it to keel over but checking last night also seems to be doing well 🎉 plants always amaze me at how resilient they can actually be 😀
I've previously moved big hollies and other trees, and it is amazing what they will tolerate! This one wasn't actually moved, @justin , but it took quite a beating when I dug around it to build that raised bed. Due to - well, life - it had to sit there with its severed roots out in the open for weeks until I was able to continue the job😳
In case some of you worried about that poor limetree from a few weeks back: Job done. I'm happy, and hopefully the tree will forgive all the severed roots.
Good job 👍🏼 I moved a Cercis earlier this year not quite that size but delighted to see it's survived the move and has leaves forming. Also dug up a very old climbing rose at the weekend and transplanted it after severing about three very deep roots and in all honesty expected it to keel over but checking last night also seems to be doing well 🎉 plants always amaze me at how resilient they can actually be 😀
I've previously moved big hollies and other trees, and it is amazing what they will tolerate! This one wasn't actually moved, @justin , but it took quite a beating when I dug around it to build that raised bed. Due to - well, life - it had to sit there with its severed roots out in the open for weeks until I was able to continue the job😳