Grape Vine
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Autumn 2019
- 11
Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 2

Mid Summer 2020
Late Spring 2020

The grapevine always makes me worry until signs of life finally appear. I would like to take a few cuttings to make an extra plant for my greenhouse. I’ve tried and failed in the past, so any success stories or helpful tips would be most welcome. The red flowers are from the dwarf rhododendron growing on the other side of the fence.

Looks nice together- I also worry every year- and I took cuttings - I think last summer- just put them in a pot in my green house and they grew easily- gave them to my sister- so not sure how they’ve got on!

I will definitely give it a go @sharonhayden
Mid Autumn 2019

The grapes look good, but they are hard and far from ripe. It seems that although they grow well in my climate, there just might not be enough sun and warmth for them to get done before it is time to shut down for the winter. I've observed the vine for quite a few years now, and even last summer (the hot and sunny one) wasn't enough to produce ripe grapes, so I am starting to accept that it just won't happen.

What a shame. Seems like it’s crying out for a lean-to greenhouse to be built round it 😉😃

You might not get edible grapes, Mona, but your plant is still a thing of beauty 💚

@awomanonabike, I am actually planning on building (or rather, getting built - I'm not that handy!) a lean-to this winter, just not right there. I have already bought a new grape vine to grow in it, but I might also try to propagate my outdoor vine and try it indoors as well.

I agree @jacaranda, so at least for the time being I am letting it stay as it is. I like the way it has started climbing nearby trees and bushes, and I'm thinking there is no need for strict pruning if its sole purpose is going to be decoration.

Yes a shame @gjones, but not that bad. As you see from the other comments, I have plans😁, and I hope my new vine is a better variety. Also, my other vine (I have one on each side of those stairs) is producing somewhat edible grapes. They are about the size of small blueberries, and their seeds fill just about all available space, but at least what little is there, tastes nice.

Not sure if I would like the look of a reflective sheet @cyndi, but perhaps that could be something to try with just a few of the bunches? I've also wondered if they would continue to ripen if I cut and bring some of them inside (like with tomatoes) -- I guess there is lots of potential for experimentation in the coming years.

Good luck! It looks lovely anyway 😊

My mother has both green and blue grapes in her green house and they ripen even when it’s a regular not too hot Swedish summer. It might work with just a little moore sheltering for you. Good luck!

Thanks @ulrikagustafsson, I'm sure they will do well in my greenhouse. It isn't just the lack of heat and (enough) sunshine around here, there is also the constant wind that burns and blackens everything, so a bit of shelter will be good.

Yes, the wind, I know what that could be like.
Mid Autumn 2018

Even these are starting to look potentially edible! A bit late in the season though, and that after such an unusually warm summer.

/me steals all emves grapes, yumm

No frost yet @columbiariver, just the usual storms and sideways rain. Days are getting darker and colder though, so I've removed many of the leaves to ensure that it gets as much light as possible.

Hi Linda, we don't get much snow in my area. Though it rarely drops below minus 5-10c, it can be quite tough on my plants when the moisture-rich soil freezes without any insulating snow on top. How are winters in your area @lindy4a ?

@jamescalli they are still very sour, but at least they look great.

@gjones I think perhaps this isn't the greatest variety to grow in my area, but it is too late now.
Late Summer 2018

This year they are actually edible. Small and a bit sour, but definitely edible!
Mid Summer 2018

These are double the size of last year's (which barely made it past the size of a matchstick head), but I'm hoping for some more growth (and ripening would be nice too). Lots of bunches (again, compared to last year), but I can't make myself remove any of them.

They do u very good that’s nice to have your own. Here their getting pretty expensive 👍🏻👍🏻😊💕
Late Spring 2018

Lots of tiny grapes this year, hopefully they will grow beyond the size of matchstick heads.

Oh no @gjones ! I was so afraid for mine too, because so much died this winter. Now we've just finished about a month of warm weather and no rain (that is extremely rare around here!), but I don't think my grapes should expect any more warm temps, we might have autumn weather the rest of the year.
Early Autumn 2017

Progress. Still really tiny, but some with color. Hoping for mild days and sunshine to help them along!

Late Summer 2017

@gjones, this is it! Not sure if they will amount to much before the season ends, but we'll see. Not sure if they are especially late because of weather, or if they are supposed to be late-fruiting. Bought them at one of the large chains GC, and I know selling what really works locally isn't always on top of their list of priorities. I still like the plant, though, so I enjoy it with or without fruit😀

I hope you are right @gjones . They are on a south facing wall, so if the sun is out, they get it. Perhaps I should remove a few leaves to ensure maximum exposure?
Mid Summer 2017

Somehow I don't think I'll be eating grapes this season. But you never know! Autumn may be the new summer now!

I thought yours looked larger @gjones. Then we can both hope! Since my garden has seen mostly autumn and very few summer days this season, I think it would only be fair if we got some mild and dry weeks now.
Early Summer 2017

Look what I found! Actually, there are about 6 or 7 and the vine is still young, so I know some of them will have to go. But for now I choose to just enjoy them and see if any will fall off on their own.

I wouldn't know - I did not even notice any flowers om mine! But it probably makes sense not disturbing it right now. As long as it gets enough water, I guess it should be allright. (but don't take my word for it) @gjones
Looks like it worked! @sharonhayden
Oh that’s good - they’re a vine after all! 😉😀
Just looked through your photos and your grapes look good