Papaver orientale 'Coral Reef'
Oriental Poppy 'Coral Reef'
Late Spring 2016
- 17
Late Spring 2016
- 11

Papaver orientale 'Coral Reef'
Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

Looking forward to the morning now 💗👍☺

Wow it's piiiink! :)

I was literally just about to tag you @gardengimp lol! I really did think it was going to be yellow lol! I'm nearly sure (if my memory serves me right) that I ordered coral reef plugs last year....this must be one of them!

Haha! I noticed some more buds on mine, and checked to see if yours was out. You'd only posted it a minute earlier, good timing eh? Lol! :) looks lovely already!

Gosh that was good timing 😊! Hopefully you won't have to wait too long! 👍

It's like getting a half opened present though lol I'm just busting to tear it open @gardengimp 😁

I have several Japanese poppies grown from seed which all have big fat flower buds on the about to pop. Hoping for some unusual ones, not just the common scarlet type!

How exciting @jeatacake !!! You must post a pic once they bloom so I can have a poppies 😊

@ErinMc Oh I will, especially if any fancy ones appear! 😀

Wow thats a show stopper so gorgeous :)

This one is so beautiful, love the pink colour of your poppy, I like it.
Gosh she is a beauty!!!! 😊💗
@gardengimp 😊
Beautiful almost like tissue paper. Have a good day🤗
So pretty 👌🏻
Wow I have never seen oriental poppy before, it's beautiful!
@ErinMc a beautiful poppy, so delicate 😀
Amazingly beautiful :)
Really gorgeous
@ErinMc wow I love it!! Well done! !!
Oooh gorgeous poppy love the colours 😍
Lush 😍
What a beaut!