Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum syn. Philodendron bipinnatifidum, Philodendron selloum
Tree Philodendron
Early Summer 2021
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Early Summer 2021
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Early Summer 2021
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Early Summer 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum syn. Philodendron bipinnatifidum, Philodendron selloum
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2021

So happy this came back to life.

Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2021

New leaf unfurling, yes it took months. #tree-philodendron

Early Spring 2021

My poor neglected tree philodendron, hopefully theres enough life in it to keep going. It's been stashed away in the spare room for a few years away from the reach of babies/toddlers, hopefully they are old enough to leave it alone now. #neglect #tree-philodendron #philodendron

Had u been watering? What was the light situation? I see some green does it just have one leaf?

@heatherdirtyhands yeah, 4 years of minimal water, it has just a spike, no leaf. I've started watering it again and brought it back out to the living room

Did the spike come after u started watering again?

Mine died and I'm just wondering how when yours is alive lol. Your lucky

@heatherdirtyhands no, it's only been a few days, the only thing I've noticed is a few new small cracks on the surface(its taking in water maybe?). I'll post again if a leaf comes up. Yeah I've been pretty mean to this old plant. I've had it about 15 years.
Yay, successfully brought it back from the brink, it's just put out a second leaf #tree-philodendron