Maranta Leuconeura
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019

This plant used to be in a spot where not only would the dogs brush by it but it would get some of the hot air draft from the heating vent. I’ve since moved it to a bookcase in the back bedroom, about 8 feet away from a south facing window and it is so much happier. It keeps putting out new leaves. I found three more on the way when I was misting this morning. #prayerplant #maranta #marantaleuconeura

Lovely plant, but iam struggling finding a good one in Delhi. All have leaf burn.
Mid Winter 2019

This was in a spot where the dogs kept brushing past it and several of the leaves were damaged. It seems much happier on this perch and there’s a new leaf which just emerged.
Im so excited! I’ve had this plant for 7 years and this is the first flower! #maranta