Aloe Maculata
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

Hoping I got this right... @misternatureboy #aloe-maculata

Has it flowered? Looks more like a common maculata hybrid (maculata x grandidentata) to me, a lot of these spotted Aloes are hard to ID without flowers.

@djinnrickey it sort of did last spring... bit tall shoot came up but never opened. So I can’t say what color it was. First time it ever bloomed. I’ve only brought it inside during hurricanes, so it tolerated cold down into 40’s.

@cyndi I bought this in 2017 at a flea market. Technically, the lady couldn’t sell it to me, so she sold me the little tins they were in for $3. Two plants the size of my palm. This is easily 28” and is one of 6. It’s not as prolific as my #aloevera that one is ridiculous about shooting pups. I started with one pot last spring and would have 20 if I kept splitting them.

@cyndi I was debating about putting these in the ground this spring to see if they could take it. It’s very hot and humid here, but I’ve heard these could maybe acclimate? Mine are on the lanai, so mostly shade, but morning sun.

Maculata blooms can be multiple colors, depending on the, orange, red,’s more the way the flowers are arranged on the bloomstalk that matters for IDing (bunched together in a flat shape), and the size of the plant (up to 24” wide...maculata x grandidentata grows larger.)

This appears to be a hybrid. Those leaves are too long and narrow to be OG maculata, which is a happy ho and hybridizes pretty freely. So confusing, ha ha. Please tag us when it decides to produce flowers! 🤓

@djinnrickey @misternatureboy @cyndi @dirtgirlworld this is all super helpful and may explain why mine is not so prolific... My biggest plant is actually 36 inches! I’d have taken a pic, but it’s raining. I was given a new one, totally unrelated, and it definitely looks different. Fatter leaves, thick stalk - a lot like the pics you took @misternatureboy
I need to get this in a new pot, but my mentor, Laurie, confirmed that this is #aloe-maculata. It feels different than my big plant, teeth are sharp, not pliable. Much smaller plant and much older. @misternatureboy @djinnrickey @cyndi
@dirtgirlworld super excited to see if I can play mad scientist at all. I have a couple other aloes... 🧐
@cyndi just glad to have all these varieties to play with! Waiting for drier weather so I can make a good plan for big time #landscaping
Thanks 🙏🏼 @cyndi