Aloe Maculata
Aloe Saponaria
Mid Winter 2019
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 7
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Early Winter 2018
- 1

Aloe Maculata
Mid Winter 2019
Late Summer 2018

8.26.18 Finally! #aloe #succulent #succulentsunday #bloom

Beautiful 💕

@cyndi I have been peeking out at it through the window trying to see some pollinators lol. I tried to smell it but didn’t really get a whiff of anything.
Late Summer 2018

Looking like a firework show! #succulent #bloom

Wonderful. How old is it

Wow! 🎉

@gauravsh6 idk I found it out at a place I was renting last year. It was constantly sitting in soaking soil with no sun, and then the temp was getting pretty low, so I dug it up to save it from the frost. Before I left I took a few of it’s babies and other bigger ones that I pulled up and planted them back where I found them. Probably not super old, it was maybe 1/3 -1/2 the size it is now when I dug it up less than a yr ago.



I'd not seen flowers 😔
Mid Summer 2018

#aloe #aloebloom #succulent


@cyndi Ah I'm so glad to hear that. I thought this was more ornamental and that I would maybe die if I tried using it like aloe vera. Thank you! Can I use it for bug bites too? My son is insanely allergic to mosquitos and we basically live in a swarm of mosquitos lol.
Mid Summer 2018

!! So close! #succulent #succulent-blooms #aloe #aloebloom

Thanks @KelsiBriana ❤️

@ohhyouknow you know gurl :)
Mid Summer 2018

The last photo I posted of this guy was taken on Wednesday. Remarkable how quickly it has grown! @cyndi I can’t wait!

@cyndi I would have been so surprised if they came out yellow. Thanks for letting me know! I am neither renting or a home owner. This is my grandmother's property. She is letting my family stay so that we can save moneys away for our future. I may inherit it one day though. My gma gave me free reign to landscape this property as I please and will help with anything I need financially to do it. This property is at the entrance to a wildlife preserve/bird sanctuary/beautiful swamp, so we are

trying to beautify it for the public.

@cyndi we will probably try to do as many native species as possible, but I can still have private projects.

@cyndi That would be amazing. My gma found out I liked succulents, and is running with it lol. I have been scrambling to expand my plant knowledge. I need ideas! I will email you asap. Thank you so much!

@cyndi Thanks so much! Maybe I'll post pictures of the overall property and ask for ideas. I just sent you a long email lol. I am trying to take my time with it. I have a few (new to me) raised garden beds, a row or crape myrtles, and some satsuma trees to plant, so I'm not trying to overwhelm myself. D: I have all the ingredients for the aloe garden, so that will be my next thing!

Wow @cyndi thanks! My true gardening days are on tuesdays and thursdays when my husband is off to help with our son. I like involving our son in our projects, but at 1 and a half, sometimes he can undo hours of work in just a few minutes! He sees I work with the plants and just wants to help, but just doesn't know how to yet! D: Once he goes to bed tonight there should be enough light to get some pictures. I'll upload them with more information about the area. It's okay you didn't

type back a whole lot to me. I understand. What you have shared with me is amazing and more than I could ever ask for @cyndi!

@cyndi I had him help me plant some sunflowers this year, but as soon as they bloomed people started stealing them. We planted them on the outside of the fence line so that people could enjoy them, but people enjoyed them TOO much. 😪 I will plant them just in my yard next year, and not easily stolen things outside the fence line lol.
Mid Summer 2018

Took this last week. This evening I went and had a look and it’s got to be at least 18 inches tall now. Can’t wait for it to bloom.

@cyndi this guy has so many babies trying to take over the pot! Do the bloom stalks get big big??

@cyndi I'm so happy to hear that! I have this pot a few feet away from some Turk's Cap and I see humming birds at the turk's cap frequently. Get to spice up their diet a bit!
Late Spring 2018

Got this guy in a bigger pot a few months ago. Seems happier this way.. #succulent #aloe

@cyndi thank you! It has not bloomed for me yet. :( I do think that you are right though! ❤️

Aloe maculata,small to medium sized and stemless,flower colour varies from golden yellow ,orange,red to crimson

Thank you @cyndi @thys is soap aloe the same as aloe maculata?

yes bad it is one of its nick names
Early Winter 2018

Help me identify this aloe please!
2/12/19 Round 2 blooms on this guy!
#aloe #aloeflowers #aloeflowerbud