All the morning glory I have started from seed suffered from the frost the other week. Do you think there is hope for the poor wee thing? (the rest I have look the same- with burned looking leaves)
Hi i planted 5 morning glory too close to each other and the leaves are not growing wide. and they are twisting around each other can that be the reason? What should i do?? I would appreciate if you can help me
All the morning glory I have started from seed suffered from the frost the other week. Do you think there is hope for the poor wee thing? (the rest I have look the same- with burned looking leaves)
Thank you. I do see a bit of new growth. They grew so easily from seed, too and I had lots of them. Had to throw a good few away after the frost. 😔
Hi i planted 5 morning glory too close to each other and the leaves are not growing wide. and they are twisting around each other can that be the reason? What should i do?? I would appreciate if you can help me