Dahlia (Border Varieties)
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Pretty cane toppers - cute little idea from the flower show 👌🌸
Pretty cane toppers - cute little idea from the flower show 👌🌸
Help ! Why does this happen to some of my dahlia buds & others from same plant are perfect ? 😔🤔?
@friss .......they have this cone shape once they've flowered. You need to dead head when you this :)
Pointy ones have flowered and round one are yet to flower, you can remive the pointy ones.
Oops sorry @flof1952 didn't see you had answered xx
Thanks @flof1952 and @sara2309 feeling a bit stupid now ! I thought they hadn't flowered & we're just forming damaged !! 😊 but good news is I have been dead heading them anyway !😃🌸👍
@friss .......no probs Francis. Good to hear you have removed spent flowers :)