Cucumis sativus 'Burpless'
Cucumber 'Burpless'
Mid Summer 2016
- 0
Mid Summer 2016
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 5
Early Summer 2016
- 6

Cucumis sativus 'Burpless'
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Maybe I should have thinned my plants out more. The have exploded!
Mid Summer 2016

Early Summer 2016

Last year I lost all my cucumber plants to powdery mildew! This year I planted them in a different area and have much better soil quality. Anyone have any hints as to how I can assure this doesn't happen again? Trying to remain organic.

Spray them every two weeks with soapy water

I put upside down tomato cages over my cucumber plants this year and have had an amazing harvest after having similar problems in the past few years. It has kept them off the ground and the plant has stayed healthy. Never tried the soapy water but I hear it's a great trick

Yeah I tried it last year and it worked but I've also heard baking soda works too I guess you just have to try and see

I used the soapy mixture but I waited too long before I realized what the heck was happening. I'm going to spray with baking soda mixture I found on a organic gardening blog. Fingers crossed!
Early Summer 2016

Container gardening!

Have you gotten any yet? They are soooooo good!

Not yet, I had carrots and lettuce in the bin during spring. These are only 3 weeks old.

You're going to enjoy them! Very crisp & a nice flavor

Yes one of the best out there

Yes one of the best out there