Late Summer 2017
- 6
Late Summer 2017
- 10

Crassula ovata syn. Crassula argentea, Crassula portulacea,Crassula obliqua,Crassula articulata,Crassula nitida,Crassula lucens.
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

My most sentimental plant.

These are jade clippings from a HUGE and quite old Jade plant. The bigger limb is very heavy and needs support. The other is fine. I have seen new growth recently! 🤞

@vic1218 @lovestogarden #plantadvice

These are 2 clippings from a very old (50 yrs approx) It belonged to my dearest friend's parents who just passed away. The larger one is very heavy, needs support, the smaller one seems fine. I've seen new growth. It means the world to me and am afraid I may kill it 😢😢😢 any advice? Thank you so much!

It looks healthy to me, I wouldn't let the soil dry out and I'm not sure about the lightning, seems like they do well to me in shade or sunlight @ggirl420

You can't imagine how HUGE the main Jade is. I swear it's a jungle. There is still a gigantic one in her parents window and one on her back porch. We can't find anyone who has room for them so we want to separate them. Unfortunately we are both clueless on how to do it successful. I have studying to do lol

Actually I just broke a couple of my lems off because it will regrow at every joint. I still have some over in a corner of my green house I clipped, they haven't been in water in water or soil in months but are still growing where the joints are. @ggirl420

Yep, these are hardy alright. Just make sure when you do separate the mother plant, to let each cutting, like all #succulents , scab over before planting. This allows the plant ends to seal so any soil moisture or water does not cause it to rot. #advise #jade #jadeplant

You can turn the mother plant base, after it is topped, into a bonsai. It would look great as large as it would be. #sentimental

I was just discussing separating them with my bff and we both chickened out. It's incredible how much and how large they are! 50 yrs old and gorgeous.
@cyndi @ShelleySnyder @demeterstouch @Muzz67 @marlynroses this piece broke off but is in spectacular condition. Should I place in water?? I am clueless 😢 @Acetaker
Correct me if I'm wrong but This looks like a trailing Jade? @cyndi the leaves look so much more different than mine
If it was me I would place it back directly into good soil with a bit of sand mixed in. With it being in such good shape and just coming off mother plant it should do great..give a bit of water to start off😁 let us know how it doez
It should establish quickly.....I'm excited to see it continue its legacy! Keep us posted!
As the other gters have said just replant 😆
I agree I'm not sure if root stimulator is good for things like jade plts. But I would put it in dirt not to far but again I'm all about researching maybe call a nursery or google about how deep to bury a jade plant cutting. Show us a pic when it's established