Couldn't resist this, have planted it in the ground rather than in a pot so may regret that later. Am told by the garden centre man it will only grow to 4ft but have seen photos of much larger ones so may regret location later - but isn't it wonderful - any advice on managing and maintaining would be most welcome as I am a newbie
@girlnextdior irresistible! Gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling and makes me smile . Sure you will get good advice on managing and maintaining from more experienced gardeners than me.
Couldn't resist this, have planted it in the ground rather than in a pot so may regret that later. Am told by the garden centre man it will only grow to 4ft but have seen photos of much larger ones so may regret location later - but isn't it wonderful - any advice on managing and maintaining would be most welcome as I am a newbie
@girlnextdior irresistible! Gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling and makes me smile . Sure you will get good advice on managing and maintaining from more experienced gardeners than me.
That colour!! 😎