Early Spring 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 0
Late Autumn 2020
- 9

Early Spring 2021
Late Winter 2021

Late Winter 2021

Late Winter 2021
Late Autumn 2020

Help me identify this plant. This guy asks for little water and care. He just sits there and slowly grows, season in and season out never requiring any sort of pampering from me. Who is this mysterious character?

The leaves remind me a lot of Hippeastrums, but might need more info. Do these leaves grow from a bulb? Has it ever flowered?

@richard.spicer.7906 indeed, both are true, but I can’t remember what the flower looks like. I’m looking up your suggestion to see if I can get more info. Thanks!

This appears to be #clivia to us. @richard.spicer.7906 would you agree?

@usgardentags Clivia was in the back of my mind originally. Both Clivia and Hippeastrums have strap like foliage, one is evergreen the other is mostly deciduous, but I hesitated in suggesting it as the foliage here is a little pointy at the tips whereas Clivias I have seen tend to have more rounded tips. @guadiforniagardener has also given us an important clue which is that it has bulbs. Clivia does not form bulbs, so at moment I’m still inclined to say Hippeastrum until more info given 👍🏼

@richard.spicer.7906 and @usgardentags I think we have a verdict. The flowers I’ve seen on #clivia photo uploads are definitely the same/very similar to the ones I remember blooming. (Now I need to check on the fact that I said there were bulbs. If clivias don’t grow from bulbs this may have caused a bit of confusion. I’ll upload a photo of the base.)Thanks!

Great! So it doesn’t have a bulb then?

I’m going to look again when I get home. I thought what I was looking at was a bulb...

No worries, often it is the flower shape that jogs people’s memories so I’m sure if they looked familiar to you then you must have a match 😊
#evolutionofabloom #clivia-orange