Angel's Trumpet
Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 8

Mid Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018

So, @ShelleySnyder it looks like she will be yellow. Do you know specifically what one that is? Since you are the #trumpettree expert!!

Sorry I can't tell yet, and maybe not even when it blooms, but we'll see in a short time! Thanks for the confidence in me!😁💘😍

Well durn! @ShelleySnyder @cyndi remains a mystery

Well dadburnit anyway!😂😂💘😍
Late Summer 2018

Here is my #frombelow picture of my first ever #angelstrumpet bloom. Bet I walked by it 100 times yesterday, to see if it had opened yet. This is the closest I have felt to a kid on Christmas Eve, since I was a kid on Christmas Eve!

😂😂 great shot Haley!💘😍

Beautiful from beneath shot!

Thank you! @KariSamuel
Mid Summer 2018

I have blooms!!!!! What a proud day lol. No one but you guys could understand my joy. I ran in the house and told my husband, and he smiled, then said, could you bring me a cigar and lighter? 🙄

Congrats!!👏👏👏 We understand Haley!!💘😍

I'm excited and it's not even mine. Woot woot

Ol smartass! 😁

Always! @bpetty55
Late Spring 2018

Trumpet tree #2 @ShelleySnyder

Has this been out in the ground through winter? I'm in zone 8 and they won't make it outside through winter, I think you should put it in a pot ( about 3 to 5 gal. Size, whatever is comfortable for you to handle) and start fertilizing the tweedle out of it! I think if you do that it should bloom for you this summer!😁💘😍

Brittany has had hers for several years in the ground... and yes, it’s been out since last fall. I would gladly put it in a pot, but I struggle so bad with light in the winter. My house is like a cave inside. We are talking about a green house all the time, but no real plans to have one this winter, so I’m sure it won’t happen. I could manage my bugs better in a container too... man, if I had a dollar for every time I have said I need a green house, I would have enough money to build one


They don't need a whole lot of light through the winter and you water them about once a month, I keep mine in the garage thru winter. British must be a warmer zone than me, anything else just ask!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

Trumpet tree #1 @ShelleySnyder
Early Autumn 2017

#angelstrumpet trees, cuttings I grew this summer are getting big!!

Looking good!! What color are they?😁💘😍

I think @ShelleySnyder they are yellow. But they could be white?? Lol cuttings from @bpetty55 of course

White or yellow they are fabulous!! Between me and @bpetty55 you should be able to get all the info you need!(if any). 💘😍

Trust me, I need all the info I can get lol. But I definitely know who to come to with questions 😉


Yellow, it is @haleyt901 @ShelleySnyder

@bpetty55 and @haleyt901 NICE!!💛💛💛
Low tonight is 25, and I still have blooms everywhere. This may be their last sighting for 2018, though 😢
Wow! Looks great, but after tonight I'm afraid it may not!💘😍
It’s over now 😢 @ShelleySnyder
😭 mind have been in the garage for about a week now!😢 It's beginning to look very bare out there!💘😍
Oh gosh @ShelleySnyder same here!! It’s quite depressing
Yes but winter does have its beaty to!🤔 I'm trying to be positive!😛😉💘😍