Rosa 'Joseph's Coat'
Early Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018

Cutting I can’t seem to get to take root. 🤔

@jyotu the leaves all fell off, and then the top started browning, but I moved it out of the sun, as you suggested, and it isn’t getting worse, but it still hasn’t produced any roots. Should I remove the dead at the top?

Wait for it. That stem is still green. So never give up easily. @haleyt901

Awesome! @jyotu @cyndi this is the only rose I have ever messed with, but it is also a favor for my mother in law who wanted this plant so bad. She definitely doesn’t have a green thumb, but she is my neighbor, so my intention was to keep it until ready to be planted in the ground, which I will also do for her. It was a small cutting to begin with, as it was taken from a young plant. But my hopes are much higher now! Thank you both for the advice

Yes @cyndi I will do that in the morning. Was going to ask, as I probably only have the knuckle at the bottom in the soil. So u say, add more hormone up to the next knuckle, where the bend is, and push it down in the soil to that point?

Tag me if you need help @haleyt901 . It'll be a nice pleasure if I can help you.

What's up now
Think it died to be honest @jyotu . What do you think @cyndi ? I let it get a little dry a couple times, and probably overwatered it a couple times. I just keep watering occasionally, and hoping one day I will have a new chute come up. Any chance?
Duh @cyndi I haven’t even checked it since the whole thing turned brown. I just sort of bummed about it and found something else to focus on. There’s plenty around here lol
I think it died. Best of luck for your next time
It’s definitely dead 💀 my mother in law may get one for her birthday from the nursery 😉 @jyotu