Lathyrus odoratus
Sweet Pea
Early Summer 2016
- 6
Late Spring 2016
- 6
Late Spring 2016
- 7
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Mid Spring 2016
- 13
Early Spring 2016
- 14
Early Spring 2016
- 3

Lathyrus odoratus
Early Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

My very first #sweetpea #flower I didn't kill them woohoo 😍😍😍 happy happy lady 👌🏼👌🏼

Gorgeous shot :)

Super flowers

Thank you @clickchick and @kathy I am so very proud that I didn't kill them ☺️☺️☺️

Lol we all feel that way now & again ;) Your should be rightly proud :)

Love 💓💓💓💓💓
Late Spring 2016

Wow...just wow I didn't kill them 👌🏼😊😊

@Squares what you think?

brilliant! they're coming on a treat, love the pot and will be a very nice welcome into your home :)

@Squares so happy Sarah I got my first flower today 😍😍😍

whoop whoop! keep picking to produce more ;)

@Squares how far down should I cut them? And should I do it when they are in bud or opened.....I'm too exited for when I come back from holiday not seeing it day to day then just seeing them all long as they aren't dead that it 😬🙄🙈 xxx

before you go, fill a drip tray and put them in the shade if no one around to water, cut the stems quite low but be careful not to damage main stem :) what colour is your first one? pics? xx
Late Spring 2016

Wow and I thought these were dead....still some yellowing leave at the bottom...
Mid Spring 2016

Wow I think I need to move these but I'm frightened I'll kill them and they have survived so far #sweetpeas

@Squares Sarah I think I need some more #help

aww dont be afraid! lovely lot you have there and they look really healthy. they like a sunny spot but roots like to be in the shade and kept moist. give them plenty of support to climb up, they can reach six foot! either trellis or wire mesh or pea sticks, im excited for you :)

@Squares thank you Sarah best place I can think of is against the back fence but I don't think I have enough root space there are five plants in here should I buy a trellis and put the in individual pots?

you could add some mulch, they love well rotted manure did it in the soil, would that work? maybe experiment try with a couple and put the rest in pots, although dont put the pots in full scorching sun they wont like it x


Wondering if I am brave enough to try.....putting trellis at either side of my front door and digging out the chuckies and try framing my door with them 😁 #brave

@Squares what ya think 😬 it's a bold move for a #beginner and will make a big mess if it #fails 😳

i say if the conditions are right for them there go for it :) and what a lovely welcome

@Squares 😘thank you 🙈 and what would be the right conditions 😳 xxx

as above xx

roots in shade blooms in sun, well rotted manure or material full of plenty of nutrients, keep well watered and plenty to climb up, you may have to tie in with string gently to begin with x
Early Spring 2016

How do you think my #sweetpeas look? They haven't #died so a Definate #positive there? #advice #help

They are looking great @hargshirl

give them more to climb on such as twine in between taller canes :)

Sorry @Squares I'm a bit slow do you mean put in more sticks/canes and spread the growth over to them with the twine? And do they need to be taller just yet? Xx

not at all! im not very good at explaining what i mean sorry, i would definitely put the structure in first and separate all the stems tying in as they go, maybe also zig zag the twine between the canes, does that make sense ?!

Hmmm okay @Squares so put in some more canes and make like a mini #trellis then undo the tying in that I have done already and tease them out slightly.....does that sound about right?

yes it means they have more room to flower :)

Ok @Squares that and the #tomato plugs oh and the #sunflowers are my next dry day job 👌🏼

Thank you 💕

I would just be a little careful as temps are very low in evenings with a threat of frost which sweet peas hate as do tomatoes , best thing to remember plant out tender annuals no earlier than end of May or when chance of frosts have pasted , hope that helps if plants are already out pop garden fleece over them to protect against frost @hargshirl 💐🌸🌼❄️❄️

@Hut123456789 I wish I seen this last week....I put my beautiful #tomatoes out Saturday and they are all withered up already 😢😢 brought them back in to try and revive but in very sad horrible start to Monday yesterday xxx

Oh no so sorry to hear 😪 that @hargshirl , you've still plenty of time to buy plants from garden centre or plant seeds as the season for planting out isn't for another 4-6 wks 🌸🌼💐
Early Spring 2016

#first time #sweetpeas do they look properly supported? Should I feed them with #tomorite

@greenfred and this is what I started with 😁🙈
As with most legumes they fix nitrogen with there nodules so do not need gross feeding of nitrogen . Pk yes for roots and flowers so a low n but reasonable pk
Wow they didn't die and they are #blooming 💕💕💕
@Squares what you think Sarah?
fantastic!!!! keep picking to produce more :) 👍👏😍
How far down should I cut them? @Squares
just the flower, follow it to the base of the flower stem and cut, careful not to cut main stem :)
Just love sweet peas 😀👍💗