Cordyline australis
Cabbage Tree
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Autumn 2016
- 11
Mid Summer 2016
- 3

Cordyline australis
Early Spring 2017
Early Autumn 2016

I have a question if anyone can help please? This has a couple of large side growths from the main stem, can I remove and grow them in a new plants?🤔🤔🤔any advise greatly appreciated. @mikethegardener ?

Love that Hayley 😍

@greenfinger14 thanks Melanie, it needs repotting but I'd love to make more of the same if I can use the side growth👍😃

Great idea as it would be a shame not to hav more ... love the colours wud look great amongst the green foliage 👍😊

That is gawjus colours 😍 hope you can but don't know myself as never had them before

@hayleyaj hi Hayley, yes, I'm pretty sure you can, however, Spring would be a better time to do that when the weather starts to warm up, as opposed to now as we going to cold weather. Carefully pull off the side shoot, remove some of the foliage and then plunge the stem into some gritty compost and keep moist and warm. But wait til say April/May time.

@mikethegardener thanks Mike, I believe I need to capture some of the main stem like a basal cutting. Would that be the case? 👍🤔🤔

Lovely #foliage

@hayleyaj Yes exactly...!! 😊

#Cordyline #Cordyline-propagation

Colours look amazing under the light
Looking very lovely in her new pot! 💃
We've had this one about 10 years and she is rather large!! 😂😂 @columbiariver
Gorgeous 💗
She's a whopper! ❤️
Looks great Hayley 😘👍