Mid Spring 2017
- 24
Mid Spring 2017
- 6
Mid Spring 2017
- 19
Mid Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 2
Late Summer 2016
- 1

Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Loadsa #flower spikes on all my lovelies 👏👏👏


Don't think I have any yet must check tomorrow 😊

All mine have flower spikes Jayne, I've got about 20 in the garden!! 😂😂 but I've grown more this year from their seeds! 😲😲 @jaynehynesburton

My Lord woman where you going to put them all 😃😂

I may end up having a plant sale out the front! 😂😂😂 @jaynehynesburton

Lovely Hayley - I wish mine were like that🙄

😂😂😂 I was just thinking that Hayls

Anyway I know your address I'll be over let me know when 😂

I'll give you all first dibs!! Even if I meet you halfway once all the plants are in and I know what left 😃 @jaynehynesburton

All grown from seed Ann, moved them early spring into groups for better effect. They'll be better this year as it's their second year 😊 @thomasrat3

The slugs got mine last Year but I've sown some more but Im not putting them in the garden yet until they're bigger🙄
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Autumn 2016

#latebloomer !! 👏👏
Late Summer 2016

Another #latebloomer !😍
Yep! Gonna be 💜💜😂😂😂
Oo looking good 👍🏻 @hayleyaj
I can't believe how big yours are mine haven't got proper flower spikes yet 😊
I'm fighting the #aphids Ang! Buggers keep appearing at dusk, but I've got their number! 😂😂😂 @angiecrazycatlady
Little sods aren't they, do you prefer to sqish or spray 😁
I've also got some yet to produce a flower spike Ang, so don't panic! Yet!!!😂😂😂 @angiecrazycatlady
Oh I feel better now 😂😂😂
I do both because they find their way back if full size! So I'm squishing to be sure they get the message!! 😂😂😂 @angiecrazycatlady
I used to be squeamish about squishing but now I'm all Die you little green gits.... it helps if i tell them off as I kill them 😂
Funny that I talk to them too! 😂😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏 @angiecrazycatlady
💜💜💜 so far in front of mine, mine don't flower til late