Musa Basjoo
Japanese Banana
Early Autumn 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2018
- 14
Late Summer 2018
- 7
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 12
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 11
Mid Autumn 2017
- 9
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 1

Musa Basjoo
Early Autumn 2019
Early Spring 2019

Baby 🍌 out enjoying the ☀️taken as little babies 👶🏻 from mum last year 😁
Early Autumn 2018

On the left #hardy on the right not in the slightest bit #hardy 😂😂 #banana

Looking good!💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

Well i now have 4 babies plus the big one in the garden, if these all make it. I'll be keeping one and letting the others go to new homes as I dont have the space for a #banana plantation! 😂😂🍌🍌🍌

Fantastic hinny 😍👍 I'm imagining you emerging from your banana forest 😂😂😘

😂😂😂if I can find my way out!! 😁😁 @daisy-jane

Leave some breadcrumbs 😂😂😂😂

😂😂😂 nana skins!! 🤣 @daisy-jane

Jayney do you want a nana for your new garden next year? I'll grow them on but one is yours if you do 😁 @jaynehynesburton

Oh yes Thanks Hayls that would lovely. If I ever get a new garden😰

Rather you than me hinny,I'd break me neck 😂😂😂😂

Will you wrap these up @hayleyaj or just leave as they are in your greenhouse?

I won't wrap as greenhouse heated in winter @Cazx

Brilliant can see all those monkeys heading into your garden next year 🐒🐵🍌🍌

I'm going for the plantation look 😂😂😂
Late Summer 2018

My baby narna made it! I chopped all the leaves off so it could focus on rooting and it has, new leaves prove it's a happy baby! 😁😁

Is that in the ground or in a pot Hayley ? Was thinking that support would be great for stuffing with straw to protect it over winter

It's in a pot after I separated it from Mum. It'll go in the greenhouse over winter. We did that with the big one last year using an obelisk, straw etc. That's now planted out in the garden. I'll wrap that one again this year but it'll need a much bigger frame! 😁 @vec

@cal68 is this the banana plant you have xx

@nad89 yes it's the same

Great news...🍌🍌🍌

Yaaay 🍌🍌
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

While I'm off for the next 9 days (yay!) I'm going to attempt to separate this pup from his momma 🤞🏼

You can do it Hayley! I got faith in you!😉💘😍

😂😂😂 we will see Shelley! 🤞🏼 @ShelleySnyder

Easy as pie. Just be sure and get some of the rhizome. We cut ours down every fall, and throw them in the woods. Then, every spring we go get 4 or 5 babies out of the woods, and I cut them 2-3 inches from the ground, so I know I’m not getting any rhizome?? May be warmer here in Tennessee, but I have full confidence that you won’t have any trouble. Enjoy your time off!!

Oh thanks Haley! Yes I'll dig deep! These are hardy in the UK but as a youngster I'll overwinter it. Thanks for the advice 😁👏👏 @haleyt901


Snap! @hayleyaj 9 days off from work too. Ooh let us know how you get on

Enjoy Caz! 🍻 @Cazx

You too @hayleyaj 💃🏻💃🏻

I'll be following this with interest as I haven't attempted it yet. I'm going for the banana plantation look 😁😁😁

Ill let you know how I go Julie ☺️ @vec
Early Summer 2018

When you give your narna a good soaking the new leaf says hi! 😂
Late Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

Getting this one in the garden this weekend as it's putting on growth daily! 😁🌴🍌🍌

Wohooo the big boys out 🍌 where’s his narnas 🍌🍌oooo HTGHG I just spied your birdbath annnd I fink it’s the same as mine 😜

The nanas will go on once it's planted out! Our birdbath was a wedding pressie 25 years ago and has a leak! So I'm going to use it differently this year 😁 @nessas

Wow can’t believe that as I put a pic of it yesterday as it was our anniversary and we treated ourselves to it 😉....phew thought they might of gone brown 🍌😂😂

Taking an age to ripen Nessa! Fab you've got one too, love my naked ladies! 😂 @nessas

Mmmm think those were for the hubsters enjoyment mine is to watch the birdies 😂😂
Early Spring 2018

And she off! Best get her in the garden before she spreads her wings! Proper spot for her this year in my Tropical bed 🌴🍌🍌🍌🍌

Ooooh! So fab!!💘😍

Yay 👏😍 ... I think I’ve ruined mine ☹️ I’ve cut it right down will it come back ??

Yes these are hardy! Unless it's mush at the crown, it'll regrow! 😁 @greenfinger14

Oh good thnx for that 😘 !!! Put a big 😄 on my face thawt I’d killed it !!
Early Spring 2018

Uncovered my #banana she doesn't look pretty but she's still alive 😁🍌🍌fleece on hand in case any extreme frosts

I haven't dared do mine yet. I can see one of the pups has had it but think the main stem looks solid

If it's firm it should be ok, I've popped a temp fleece on it for these cold nights, but removed all the straw 🤞🏼 @vec

I overwintered successfully last year with straw and fleece. This year, it's an experimental method of fleece and bubble wrap as recommended by someone on a tropical forum.... it's a wait and see process. If it fails they are root hardy and will reshoot

Yes I saw the same. It was nice and dry when I unwrapped so only popped the fleece back onto the bottom to protect. Hope we both have beauties again this year 😊 @vec
Early Spring 2018

This weekend I shall be unwrapping my #hardy #banana (the one in the background) and hoping she's made it through winter unscathed 🤞🏼she will be having a new permanent home in my soon to be created #tropical bed. I really hope she's ok 🤔


Are those bananas 🍌🍌

😆my husbands sense of humour! Not the real deal!! 😂😂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

@hayleyaj Well he had me fooled..!! I was gonna ask you if you’d tasted them 🤣

Looking forward to seeing this new bed HTGHG ☺️

Ooh, exciting! Hope she's made it through the winter.

Lol, love it!!

Julie, this was some of my tropicals last year 😁 @vec

Haha at the bunch of bananas 😀

My husbands sense of humour! He just had to Julie! 🙄🙈 @vec
Mid Autumn 2017

Narna all wrapped up for #winter #banana 🍌


Afternoon Hayley Hun,I could do with being wrapped up like your narna it's bloody Baltic here pet 😘

Def looks cosy 😁👌

It's not very warm here either Jane, but at least it bright 😘 @daisy-jane

That's my next job. Going to risk it and try a different method this year with bubble wrap.... gasp ... waits for someone to say you can't do that 😂 I've been reading about a garden near me that uses it so here goes nothing lol

Mines packed with draw. First year so will see how it fairs! 🤞🏼 @vec

Should be fine, thays how I did mine last year but about a foot of straw all around. If it's a musa basjoo, its root hardy anyway and will start again from the base if it gets too cold

Brrrrrrr. Keep me warm!
Early Autumn 2017

The 3 #pups on my #banana are growing well. Hopefully, if they survive winter, I can separate from mum next year when the are about a foot high 🍌🍌🍌
Mid Summer 2017

Oh my! She has 2 👶🏻!!! 😄😄😍😍
Babies I’m giving away #narna #banana 🍌
Oh who too?
@sharonhayden friends and family are taking them 😁