Aloe 'Blue Elf'
- Mid Spring 2022
- 11
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 9
Got emmm....!!!! Finally found one #aloeblueelf I just love them. Didnt realize they have a coating on them it seems. Too afraid to rub it to see. I want it to look as blue as possible. Maybe I'm crazy and it doesnt have a coating lol. #planthaul havent gor any new plants in a minute. Thank u @sandman1961 my plant fairy
I am so sad man my #blueelfaloe just took a terrible turn today and this is what I am left with. I think I didn't water for so long that tge roots dried up and then when I watered it it overwatered easily? I mean the soil was dry af and all the roots were dried up but the plant just fell apart and is squishy in parts but it has no gross smell or anything. Is there any way to save these rootless #pups ? Like can they be propagated and grow roots? I hate to lose the whole plant. It looked so good
I have Blue Elf outside but I’ve never had problems with it. But I have an aloe that I do every year what you just did and it thrives. Put them back in shallow dirt and they should grow new roots. Lots of sun and water sparingly once a week. 🌞
I don't have a lot of hope for them tbh but I'm gonna try. I have them drying out right now and I put some cinnamon on the ends. If I could have a removed them a couple days sooner they may have had some roots. These just fell off like I didn't even have to cut them or pluck them off. The biggest one was the main aloe but it lost a lot of bottom leaves and that's what's left . well see I guess. I was thinking about trying to propagate a couple in water? @sunlovin
I’ve never tried water dirt always worked for me maybe do half and half? 🌞
Yeah.....thats what I think