Elephant Ear (Caladium)
Early Summer 2022
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 3
Mid Winter 2020
- 1
Early Winter 2019
- 6
Mid Summer 2019
- 3

Early Summer 2022
Mid Winter 2020

The dainitest little holes. The narrow form is definitely growing on me. At first I was upset because I wanted the bigger one but this guy sure is beautiful. #monstera-adansonii #fenestrationwatch #fenestrations

The big one has nothing on that cutie! Love it @heatherdirtyhands .

Awh thanks @shawnasea it seems no one wants this one u know but its super cute and grows so fast
Mid Winter 2020

So I cut my #monsteraadansonii back so I can reroot and fill my pot out more and the leaves on it are spaced out pretty far apart but this #newleaf that is forming is much closer to the last one. Yay. I didnt know there were different forms to this plant but I must have the narrow form because my leaves are small and dont have as many holes as the ones u normally see. I still love her tho 💚💚
Early Winter 2019

While #watering and #admiring all the #newgrowth on my #monstera adonsonii I somehow managed to break off a foot long at least piece of it. Im so upset. Dont even know how it happened now hopefully it #reroots in water and i can pop it back in. I was gonna wait till spring to propagate it so I can fill it out becauee its basically 3 long vines at this point and pretty bare at the top maybe I should just do it now. One vine has gotten especially long this fall/winter like 3 feet. What do u think?

Oh and on my way to the tub to water it I knocked over a kalanchoe and got dirt all over the living room floor. Its only 7 something am ugh. Is this the type of day it'll be? Maybe I should go back to sleep and restart. Also its been 50 degrees lately and sunny and wake up today to find out were expecting snow. #pittsburghweather the place u can get all 4 seasons in a week. Yay

I would go ahead and do it since one is already broken, but I'm impatient. 😅 I hope your day gets better!

I did cut the other super long strand....i cant wait to add the rooted cuttings to my plant! @savannahssucculentgarden

If you want to fill out the top without risking the cuttings not rooting, you could coil the still attached vine along the surface of the soil. Air layering also has the advantage of promoting new root growth without risking a cutting. Check this out:

I actually did that too lol @necroplantser
Mid Summer 2019

New leaf on my #monstera-adansonii thankfully. Spent way too much on it and after I got it it died easy back but now it's on the rebound!

Will a leafless stem grow into a plant?

I had a leafless pothos stem grow into a plant. I'm.sure it needs nodes and maybe aerial roots. The big monsteras do so im not 100% @mardel
I know this camera is garbage lol but this is getting so big. New #caladium