Chlorophytum comosum 'Bonnie'
Spider Plant 'Bonnie'
- Early Spring 2020
- 13
- 2
- Mid Autumn 2019
- 25
- 9
- Late Summer 2019
- 10
- 1
- Mid Summer 2019
- 13
- 1
Chlorophytum comosum 'Bonnie'
- Early Spring 2020
- 13
- Mid Autumn 2019
- 25
This is her now @leeloodallas shes a bitch #curlyspiderplant #update #spiderplantbonnie #fussyplant
Hahah! Thanks @heatherdirtyhands Good to know it's not just me that mine is being fussy with!
Oh my gosh! Look at all those babies! 😍 How are you doing sweets?
I'm doing i was thinking do u want me to risk the cold and ship u a cutting anyway of the monstera ? Also how do u wanna do the shipping? If u are sending me something in return u know how does that work do we each pay our own that wr are getting or shipping? @madness I may just email u my number because I dont email.much. also @savannahssucculentgarden this goes for u too
They also make nice hanging baskets
I will probably wait for spring for that monstera cutting. I don't want to risk losing it. But if you want any cuttings from me now, I'll send them. You can look through my plants and see if you like anything.
Maybe i will wait till.spring as well. By then u will probably have a monstera tho :) but we'll.see...i think u can send plants with a heat pack tho wonder how well they work. @savannahssucculentgarden
My local nursery has a few right now, but they're a little expensive, so maybe not. I'm not sure how well heat packs work because I've never shipped a plant before, but I'm excited to figure it out and get plant mail someday!
Me too! It scares me and excites me @savannahssucculentgarden
- Late Summer 2019
- 10
#spiderplant-bonnie #curlyspiderplant
- Mid Summer 2019
- 13
Thought I had a curly before but no this is truly the curly curly. Wanted it so bad and now shes mine! #curlyspiderplant #spiderplantcurly
My #bonniespiderplant struggled this winter and lost alot of herself but she produced a lot of new babies and is looking so much better since cleaning her up yesterday. #spiderettes #babies
@apomwo dead