Euphorbia trigona rubra
African milk tree
Early Autumn 2020
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 1

Euphorbia trigona rubra
Early Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2019

This tiny little #milktree has grown so much this summer. And I'm so happy he has leaves again. He lost them all after I got him last summer
Mid Summer 2019

Finally! She lost all her leaves when I brought her home but I spotted new growth! Yay! #africanmilktree
So this happened....and I'm sad af somehow my cutie turned white practically on the top but not the leaves and that part is totally empty and dead. How and why. I have had this for years and recently I watered with peroxide to clean it up before bringing it inside. Cant remember if I fertilized lightly or not. also when i chopped the top off no milky stuff came out and I cut into the healthy red part. So.... #africanmilktree #red #planthelp #plantclinic #plantquestion #plantproblems
Oh no 😭 one of my milk trees has a smaller white spot on it too and I was wondering what was wrong with it. I hope someone has an answer for you!
What did u do that could have caused it? Fertilized? Bug control? Had to be something? Sunburn? What u thinking @lissaleolauren
I had mine outside for a while so maybe sunburn I also spritzed them with a diluted alcohol spray for bug control 🥴
Probably the spray and sun combined maybe. I had mine outside all summer so I doubt just the sun would suddenly do that u know. And its in such a straight line across. So weird. Must have been the peroxide and sun combines
Alcohol removes the waxy outer layer on the plant (which helps it retain moisture). If that wax goes away, that part of the plant dies. I've killed off parts of hoyas and jade plants that way. For succulents, I use systemic insecticide (like bonide). It takes a while, because it gets sucked into the plant along with water (and succulents don't take in a lot of water), but it has worked well so far for me! Crossing my fingers that your euphorb comes back!
Thank u @battlekittyspastica. I didn't use alcohol I used peroxide not sure if that's the same? But I haven't had much problems with watering with it until this unfortunate event :(