Ficus elastica 'Robusta'
Rubber Tree 'Robusta'
Mid Spring 2021
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Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 3
Mid Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 2
Late Autumn 2019
- 2
Late Autumn 2019
- 3
Late Autumn 2019
- 3

Ficus elastica 'Robusta'
Mid Spring 2021
Mid Summer 2020

This started rapidly losing leaves but growing new braches from the base at the same time. So thankfully even tho it lost all original leaves it filling out nicely. #rubbertree #newleaves
Late Spring 2020

This was doing amazing then it started to get all types of new stems from the base and then it began losing new leaves three big ones at the top. I got scared thinking lack of light and lack of water since I barely water it so I moved it outside and it lost even more. Now basically it's a couple leaves an the new stems with leaves. Is that ok? #rubbertree #rubberplant #planthelp
Late Winter 2020

All this #newgrowth on my #rubbertree theres 3 new stems coming from 2 main stems. Never knew the could happen it looks so much fuller
Late Winter 2020

While.on the rubber tree topic here's a new leaf on my all green one #newleaf #rubbertree #newgrowth #rubbertreerobusta #ficuselastica

She dropped 2 leaves yesterday I think it may have been the cold draft because its dry and not overwatered. Why else could that happen? #planthelp #plantquestion #plantmedic #leafdrop

I feel its dry alot even tho I water it more probably than my other rubber trees. It just always looks good. No brown spots or drooping. Maybe I will try to water more consistently @ultrav0x
Mid Winter 2020

The #newgrowth on my #rubbertree is really getting bigger!
Late Autumn 2019

#newgrowth looking good #rubbertree @savannahssucculentgarden

Loving those new branches. Still blows my mind a little.
Late Autumn 2019

So im guessing these will be new stems not just leaves. @savannahssucculentgarden I never saw this before but they sure are beautiful #rubbertree #newgrowth

I've never seen this. It's so exciting! I hope mine does this someday. 🤞
Late Autumn 2019

@savannahssucculentgarden this is what the #rubbertree looks like that has the tiny leaves growing from.the bottom of the stems... U can even see them a but in this picture

I had no idea they could do that. It definitely looks like new leaves coming from the base. Very interesting! I can't find anything online about it.

Hmm so weird. I cant either and no-one commemted about it either @savannahssucculentgarden
Late Autumn 2019

At the base of my huge #rubbertree its growing leaves but how is that possible when they grow from the top out of the sheaths? Im so confused. Everything I read says it can't replace leaves at the bottom.? #planthelp #plantquestion

What do the other leaves look like? Are the different or do they look the same?

I'll post it and show u. Basically just looks like a dark green rubber tree. But I'll tag u when I get a few @savannahssucculentgarden I just dont get it because rubber tree leaves grow from the top unless these will be new branches. Idk
Look at this baby of all baby leaves. So tiny and adorable! #rubbertree #newleaf #tiny