Ficus elastica 'Robusta'
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

22/05/19 - Air Layering, on a Ficus elastics 'Robusta' - this is a way of propagating a plant while it continues to grow in its normal environment. It relies on the generation of adventitious roots at an area where damage is caused, and then when roots form that branch can be separated off from the mother plant. Here, I’ve taken off the outer layer of bark on the main stem 50% of the way round, exposing the cambium layer just under the surface.

The area is then surrounded with moist sphagnum moss held in place around the stem with bubble wrap and sealed both top and bottom with tape. The plant can then be left in the room it normally lives, and roots will eventually form inside the bag. Depending on the environmental conditions, this can take 3-6 months. I think I did this originally around February.

#ficus #ficus-elastica #ficuselasticarobusta #rubbertree #rubberplant #airlayering #ficus-propagation #propagation-ficus

@rollyrox here is some advice here that might help

Great! Thank you!
22/05/19 - and we have roots! There is enough here to separate this branch now from the parent, so I’ve cut the stem just below the lowest root, and potted up in a suitable potting mix for Ficus. And now I have two plants 😄 and the original will just branch off at the nodes below the cut made.
#ficus #ficus-elastica #ficuselasticarobusta #rubbertree #rubberplant #airlayering #ficus-propagation #propagation-ficus
Very cool!
Nice one Rich 👏
Isn’t it Lily? 😄 I’ve seen it before in books but never thought about trying it myself. I’ve got some on the go outdoors too for rhododendrons, although they need extra tape as need to stop excess rain water getting inside the area @waterlily
Cheers Jeff 😊 just need to look after it now, I’ve never been good with Rubber plants, they also seem to die on me but I’ve done a bit of reading and trying again 😊 @jeatacake
Good luck with it. My problem with them has been with them getting too big, in limited space.
Oh dear! I better give it room then 😂 @jeatacake
Ha ha, yes, all being well! 👍😁
@rollyrox and here is the results about 3-4 months later
Great success! @richard.spicer.7906