Senna didymobotrya syn.Cassia didymobotrya
Popcorn Cassia
Early Autumn 2020
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Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 4

Senna didymobotrya syn.Cassia didymobotrya
Early Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

Anyone know why its getting dots lile this on the leaves across the midsection? Don't u have this @cyndi #planthelp #plantclinic #plantquestion

@heatherdirtyhands how do u tag a person

The same way u tagged me right there with the @symbol @yogi2 and thanks @cyndi I like the way it looks with the branches removed like a Dr. Seuss tree lol. I'm good keep an eye on it or treat it if need be
Late Summer 2020

#repotted this popcorn plant in a bigger pot because it grew so dam fast and it already looks happier the smell has gotten much much stronger too. I love this plant
Late Spring 2020

Such a unique find! Certain leaves when rubbed really smell like popcorn and another fun fact at night the leaves fold up and it looks so cool. Cant wait till the flower buds open. Yellow like popcorn #popcornplant #smellslikepopcorn

Yeah it doesnt just smell.loke that u have to rub and not every leaf u rub smells like it. Some do but not all they guy I bought it from said its the older bigger leaves but not even all of them @cyndi

Nice interesting 👌 plant 👍 will you grow it in ground?

No I have put it in a pot I don't live in a place where I can keep it in the ground year round without the chance of it dying... @kaporyash
As I can see its still growing a ton. It's like 3 feet tall already. I moved him inside recently can that explain the spots? Also treated with peroxide and fertilized @cyndi I tagged u in the post with the spots I'm taking about. Your the only person I kmow who spoke about having this that I remember #plantquestion #planthelp the brown dots seem to be affecting the midsection mostly and some leaves yellowed as well.
@heatherdirtyhands I would spray it with rubbing alcohol and wipe it with cotton balls.
Hey thanks @cyndi I did take off alot of leaves and stems and I realize it does dry out fast so I am going to keep up on watering. I read something about cutting the trunk by half when u bring it it only grows to about 2 feet in a.pot which its definitely surpassed and fastly I just dont wanna cut it back if its about to flower. I keep thinking its about to but its always a batch of new leaves . just gonna let it play out and decide later kind of curious to see how tall I can
Get it inside I have some neem so I'll give it a spray. Cant remember if i did before I brought it in @cyndi
@cyndi oh i know I hate that dam smell. So weird and gross. I love garlic but its like rotten garlic lol
What a great idea! @cyndi